My Own Religion | uk

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Шотландские сатанскакор-крутаны снова в деле!

"Everyone Gets Fifteen Minutes" это компиляция лучших, по мнению группы, треков с первого альбома плюс неизданные треки примерно тех же времён.

"God And The State Sessions" это совершенно новые песни, выложенные с позволения Pumpkin Records, где и выйдет новый альбом.

Тем, кто никогда не слышал эту группу лучше начать с альбома "Even The Score" и новых треков, демка плохого качества достаточно.

My Own Religion are a three piece, ska-metal-core punk band from Glasgow/Edinburgh Scotland. The band first formed in 2001 and spent two years playing gigs across Scotland, alongside bands such as Leftover Crack, Antimaniax, Big D and the Kids Table, The foamers, Five Knuckle and The Filaments, among others, embarking on the Buckfest tour with bretheren band Misled Youth, before spontaneously imploding in the later months of 2003. During these two years the band recorded a demo cd, "Honk if you love Satan" and a 9 track album " Even The Score", tracks from which appeared on the "Riot Ska" and "Punk Rock Scotland" compilations. After a two year hiatus the band have reformed in 2006 with new vigour and enthusiasm. Theres things that need said and things that need done... Watch this space fuckers.....

My Own Religion are an anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic, anti-fascist and pro-choice Collective. Noone is free while others are oppressed. .

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