Leaving Spain | uk

Jazz great Charlie Haden has reared musically gifted sons and daughters who, interestingly, have not followed Dad's jazz footsteps, but opted for alternative rock turf instead. Petra Haden has done so in that dog. (sic), and Josh Haden, though he plays the same instrument as his father, leads Spain. Spain do have some decided jazz influences, particularly in the refined, spacious arrangements and precise rhythm section, both of which reflect the influence of cool/lounge jazz. But they are most definitely a rock band, performing songs with lyrics and vocals in a sedate but moody style that bears some resemblance to...
Группа SPAINT была образована в 2005 году в Москве в результате смены названия коллектива WEEDS IN VOGUE, уже имевшего на тот момент два студийных демо: "Gravestone Poetry" (2001) и "The Bitchripper" (2002), а также официальный альбом "Buried Until Now" (CD-MAXIMUM, 2004). Весной 2006 года SPAINT записывают промо, демонстрирующее то музыкальное направление, в котором группа собиралась двигаться дальше. Музыка представляла собой так называемый modern metal с большой долей мелодизма. Параллельно группа ведет активную концертную деятельность, регулярно выступая в Москве и других российских городах. Подготовив абсолютно новый материал, в 2007 году SPAINT садятся в студию MOSCOW SOUND, где записывают полноформатный альбом "Цепь...
Leevi and the Leavings was a Finnish rock-band that operated from 1978 to 2003. The band consisted of Gösta Sundqvist, Risto Paananen, Juha Karastie and Niklas Nylund. Sundqvist was the leader of the band, he composed and wrote all the band's songs as well as being the vocalist. Sundqvist was also an interesting character, he rarely gave interviews or appeared on television, although he hosted a radio program for YLE. The band's music relied heavily on Sundqvist's tragicomedic lyrics and catchy choruses. The best example of the band's style is the song "Teuvo, maanteiden kuningas" ("Teuvo, the king of the...