Cutthroat Shamrock | zh

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Cutthroat Shamrock originates from the foot hills of East Tennessee. The band currently includes 6 members: Derek McRotten, Stewart McNealy, Johny Hyena, Suavo, Marcus, and Brad Banjovi. Their music is considered Appalachian punk rock.

The band was formed in March of 2003 with 2 original members: Benjamin Whitehead and Derek McRotten. Shortly after the first few shows, Johny joined the band along with a drummer by the name of "Billy Badass Ryan" (Ryan was on the self titled release). Soon after that Guido joined the band followed by Suavo.

This lineup remained unchanged for the next 2 albums (2:The Wake) (3:Blood, Rust, Whiskey).

March 2010 the band signed onto "I hate Punk Rock Records" for a vinyl release titled "Dark Luck"

Winter of 2011 the band saw change with the retirement of co-founder Benjamin Whitehead.

2013 marked 10 years for Cutthroat Shamrock.
March 16th the band released the first single with the new lineup after Whitehead's leave, titled "Dead Wind"

In 2013 after the release of the "Dead Wind" EP, Cutthroat Shamrock released their 4th full length album titled "A Path Less Traveled"

Guido left the band in March of 2014 and Stewart McNealy filled his place.

On March 17th 2016 (a Thursday) at 8pm, Cutthroat Shamrock walked onto the stage of Market Square for the last time. The crowd was large, a few thousand large. The band played it's first show exactly 13 Saint Patrick's Days ago. The weather was perfect, the beer was cold. Late members of the band were there for one last show, Guido and Benjamin joined for a handful of songs. The night ended with the traditional Wild Rover and the 7 gentlemen rode off into the sunset. The plan was a simple one, to go out with a bang instead of a fizzle.



