Gomorrah | zh

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There are more than one band called Gomorrah.


Gomorrah was a two man Black Metal band from the US. They released a total of three albums and disbanded after Caligula (Vocals and Guitars) committed suicide in 2004, leaving behind Rasputin the drummer.

Night of the Blackened Pentagram (2001)
In Praise of the Dark Lord (2002)
The Infernal Diatribe (2002)


Gomorrah is an early death metal band from Oxon, UK. This band featured two members of the band Necropolis.

Embryonic Stages(demo 1991)
Umbilical Divorce(demo 1992)
Reflections of Inanimate Matter(1994) Megapulse Records
Caress the Grotesque(1996) Black Mark Production


Gomorrah(NZ) Have changed their name to Akaname.

4) Gomorrah (US) is an early doom death metal band from New Jersey (1991). Elegy Records released a compilation with rehearsal and demo material.

5) Gomorrah (CA) is a technical death metal band from Kelowna, BC, Canada. Their debut album, Perception, was released October of 2013. The follow up to Perception, titled "The Haruspex", was released January of 2016. They incorporate elements of black metal, deathcore, and industrial/ambient in their sound.
https://gomorrahofficial.bandcamp.com/ .


