Jeremiah Saint | zh

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Jeremiah ϟϟain† is Industrial / Suicide Rock / Darkwave / Electronic / Metal / Post Life music that invokes pleasure from the pain of his self-tormented soul. Love, lust, demise, sex and all those dear decayed and delightful things the world has to offer.

The Jeremiah Saint project in 2006 as a one man project. Though 2009-2011 Jeremiah toured with members Phantom and Skulls who gave a new sound to the live show. In 2012 Jeremiah Saint's music changed its flavor to a more anti-romantic suicide rock experience. Skulls and Phantom are no longer with the project, they were a great addition for the time. Jeremiah himself writes and records all music himself.

Jeremiah ϟϟain† is a multi-threat individual (Musician / Composer / Producer / Composer / Writer / Artist / Actor) that only does and produces these as pure passion. Weather it is writing music for movies or preforming on stage with one of the many bands You can see the passion and pure showmanship and the unregulated energy and spits from the body Musician. 
I/this was never born into this world to provoke beauty, it is nothing more then my slow decline into death. All of which I have done to myself. This music is the bottom of my very soul, the eradication of myself all in one great purge. I have found the drugs never had an affect, though the effects were oh so very damaging. All I ever wanted was to feel something psychical, not something from the mythological spirit world. I have been shattered by my one desire, I longer care if I hurt myself its become a process or progress. I am a figment of my own nightmares, the face that is in my tears; I am in my fear.

This isn't what I have become, this is what I once was. 
