Justine Electra | zh

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This girl's presence is undeniable. Her sweet sounding folk style is belied by an undertow of someone suspended between nostalgia for the past, and uncertainty before a glimmering future. Hers are songs of hope shot through with darkness, bright love serenades drawing shadows behind them. Justine Electra's blue-toned voice is an instrument of extraordinary versatility and power: it sings, drawls, lures and drowns the listener in a world of glistening perfection where the delicious and the dangerous are never far apart.

Justine is a musical bowerbird, she collects both instruments and styles. She combines balalaikas with bleeding radio channels, Chinese harps with second-hand pacemakers, and classical piano with pencil and ruler percussion. It’s an experimentalism presented with a warmth and familiarity that makes it deeply human.

- cityslang.com

Visit her website: http://justineelectra.org/ .


