Kacey Johansing | zh

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Kacey Johansing is an American singer-songwriter from California.

Johansing's debut album, Many Seasons, plays like a travelogue. Sweeping the listener along from her roots in small town Colorado to Boston to a San Francisco, where Johansing is at something of an epicenter for a rapidly evolving songwriting scene, the album crystallizes a rich Bay Area indie-folk sound bursting at the seams with creativity.

Although Many Seasons is a solo album, the guitarist and singer's penchant for collaboration shines through. A member of the bands Honey.Moon.Tree and Honeycomb, Johansing also counts Matt Adams' band The Blank Tapes as frequent collaborators. That warmly supportive web contributed many of the colors that enliven Many Seasons. Through it all comes out a sound both personal and evocative, an aural scrapbook where lush pop dreamscapes give life to Johansing's sharply lyrical take on the chapters of her life. .

