Lektrogirl | zh

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Lektrogirl is the pseudonym for musician and artist Emma Davidson.

As a musician, she has released on full length album on the Aphex Twin's label Rephlex Records in 1999 called I Love My Computer and a number of MP3 releases on Swiss Net Label micromusic.net. Also published are collaborations with Puss (Swedish music duo) and German band Bodenstandig 2000. Lektrogirl has DJed extensively around Europe, Scandinavia and the USA.

As an artist, she began developing her style of Internet Art since 1999 when she bought her first computer. Works include The Wedding Website which in 2004 received equal first prize in Olia Lialina's $1000 website competition. Lektrogirl's work comes from the personal life of her real life persona, Emma Davidson.

Also she is the Director of Company Lektrolab. Lektrolab developed workshops aimed at beginners to encourage people of all ages to engage with technology. Workshops included DJing, VJing, circuit bending, LSDJ [Little Sound Disk Jockey].

Emma Davidson was born in Australia and currently resides in the United Kingdom. .

