Low-Gain | zh

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A pianist with 7 years of classical training under his fingertips, in 1998 Logan Erickson (before being known the world over as Low-Gain) embarked on a personal mission to give inspiration and hope to all kids with an old Casio keyboard and some solder, to give them the skills they need forge fresh compositions with nothing but creativity and the science of circuit bending. Founder of the internet group Benders Anonymous and an integral voice of the Midwest Bent Festival, Low-Gain also took a three year hiatus from the chip-tune scene to focus on the science his craft, working as a recording engineer and studio technician, before rejoining the chip-tune movement in 2006 and becoming a member of the illustrious 8bitcollective.

Low-Gain’s self-titled debut album will be premiering at the 2008 Blip Festival. Rather than relying solely on his established circuit bending skills to make a new album, Low-Gain has said, “At the moment LSDJ is my drug of choice. That’s what the album is centered around.” Never content limiting himself to just one means of creating music, Low-Gain, part inventor, part rebel, part rebel-inventor, is always searching for new ways to make chip tunes interesting.

St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
http://lowgain-audio.com .
