New Pretoria | zh

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New Pretoria was formed in Paris in 2003.

Their first EP, "No place for such a band" came out in september 2004, the music being a mix of pop and folk with a few electric elements. Critics liken them to bands such as Tindersticks, Calexico or Lloyd Cole.

Between 2004 et 2007, plays shows in Paris (La Cigale, Le Point Éphémère, La Scène Bastille, La Flèche d’or, le Glaz’Art…) and writes new songs for the first proper album.

"The Backyard’s Legacy" was released in october 2007 by the label French Toast and was distributed nationally by Anticraft. The band's sound had evolved : Stéphan's vocals are now somewhere between Stuart Stapples and Roger Waters, the sound is more rock'n'roll, with a touch of country. .
