Potentiam | zh

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Potentiam was a black metal band from Iceland, formed in 1997. They evolved from the band Thule with members of Curse, Fortid and several others. They have had several lineup problems at different stages, eg finding a black metal drummer on an island as small as Iceland.

The "Bálsýn" debut is stylistically similar to In the Woods... - HEart of Ages, but similarities can also be found with more progressive black metal acts such as Enslaved or Weakling; with the intricate and deeply atmospheric guitar work. The vocals are not typical for black metal, but are more like a hoarse viking chant. The band also uses keyboards and other instruments for atmosphere and power.

They split at an undetermined time, Pálmason wanted to concentrate on Solstafir, Einar moved to Norway for Curse, and is now the new vocalist for Den Saakaldte. the rest of the band moved onto Kontinuum.

The official site can be found at:
http://www.potentiam.helviti.com/ .


