Skipper | zh

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There are two artists with the name Skipper:

(1) Skipper are the Minneapolis based power pop trio of Brian Hermosillo on guitar and lead vocals, and Briana Jeanne and Crystal on bass drums and backing vocals. So far, they've put out a self released live split 7" with Thee Makeout Party!!, a 7" ("Cold Pizza 'n' Pop") on Chocolate Covered and a live 10" ("In Italy") on Bachelor. Douchemaster is set to release their debut LP ("Making Time") sometime in the future. Brian is also a member of the Fevers, Donny Denim and has since released a solo record ("The Lonely Sailor Sessions") as Fever B.

(2) Skipper is the project of Dutch musician Mike Schepers. His first album Architecture and Design, produced by Corno Zwetsloot, is released by Subroutine Records.
Combining Phil Spector's wall-of-sound aestethics with the distorted soundscapes of Jan Jelinek and Broadcast, Skipper delivers a sparkling set of sweet yet muscular pop. The Beach Boys' vocal harmonies on glitchy rhythm tracks, topped off with tons of echo, delay and white noise. .

