Somnium Sanguis Caelestis | zh

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SSC ( is a side-project of Hypsiphrone's Algol. S., started at the end of 2011, as a source of inspiration. It is an exploration of the initiatory process leading to the transformation of the idea of Self, and the union of the opposites by the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.
A being known with many names, and many forms throughout the course of human history.

The first album, Veneno Astrum Draconis is released March 2012 on Kalpamantra and is a series of introverted yet at the same time extroverted steps, settled in a partly abstract alien environment, where the external becomes one with the internal, under the light of black stars. A combination of music, text and artwork put together in an effort to decipher the reflections of the Holy Guardian Angel on our own limited consciousness. Use this link to download it for free: .