The Grieving Process | zh

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The Grieving Process is a brutal deathcore band from NJ, USA.

They formed in the summer of 2006, this is a five piece brutal death grind band out of Bayville, New Jersey. Their first release, "Assimilated Deformation" comes out of England based AntiCulture Records, a label which signs mostly metal bands.

After nine months of writing and just before they were poised to record the vocals, singer Jay departed, but not having before securing a replacement in No Room In Hell Singer James Van Damm. This easily resolved drama the only blip in an otherwise seamless process, one driven by the band’s admirable purity of purpose, one inspired by the dedication to songwriting and evolution.

The Grieving Process have already destroyed the East Coast with over a hundred shows and with the release of their debut full-length ‘Assimilated Deformation’, geography will no longer be an adequate shield against their brand of hyper-brutal, yet intelligent, DeathCore fury. .


