Yvonne Kenny | zh

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Yvonne Kenny (born 25-Nov-1950) is an Australian soprano, particularly associated with Handel and Mozart roles.

Born in Sydney, New South Wales, she first studied at the University of Sydney in science, hoping to become a biochemist, but decided to pursue a career in music instead. She studied first with Myra Lambert at the Sydney Conservatorium, and later won a schorlarship to study at the opera school at La Scala in Milan.

After a year of study there she came to England, where after a few recitals and TV appearances, her breakthrough came on 11-Oct-1975, when she replaced, with only four days' notice, the soprano scheduled to sing in an Opera Rara concert performance of Donizetti 's Rosmonda d'Inghilterra at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. It was a triumph and the virtually unknown Kenny became an overnight star. .
