Adolfo Rivero | zh

Antônio Adolfo (born Antônio Adolfo Maurity Sabóia) was an important composer, having written songs recorded by Nara Leão, Marisa Gata Mansa, Ângela Rô Rô, Dóris Monteiro, O Grupo, Wilson Simonal, Geraldo Vespar, Leci Brandão, Emílio Santiago, Beth Carvalho, and Sérgio Mendes & Brasil '66, among others. Adolfo also had a noted role in the process of making important music available through independent production, through the creation of the pioneer independent label Artezanal. His recordings of important and almost-forgotten composers of the belle époque, like Chiquinha Gonzaga and João Pernambuco, are noted cultural initiatives. As an arranger, he worked for Leci...
Pianist, composer and leader (8 September 1893 - 25 January 1947) Complete name: Adolfo Carabelli .
Sergio Rivero Hernández (b. April 1, 1986 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) is a Spanish pop singer who came famous after participating in a talent show called Operación Triunfo. His two albums have sold over 200 000 copies in Spain. They are "Quiero" (2005) and "Contigo" (2006). As of 2010 he still is writing and performing. His 3rd cd is overdue. Sergio's Face book wall .
Leonel Edmundo Rivero (June 8, 1911 – January 18, 1986) was an Argentine tango singer and impresario. Representa un caso singular en la extensa galería de cantores de tango. El registro de bajo, que contenía su voz, era una verdadera rareza en el género y, a la vez, algo poco apreciado por la pléyade tanguera, acostumbrada a los barítonos y tenorinos. Sin embargo, la afinación y los coloridos matices de su fraseo, sumado todo ello a un sentimiento y estilo criollo con reminiscencias gardelianas, lo hicieron un favorito del público y, al mismo tiempo, el primer caso de una voz...