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Neil Sedaka (born 13 March 1939 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American pop singer, pianist, and songwriter often associated with the Brill Building era of songwriting. He teamed up with Howard Greenfield to write many major hit songs for himself and others. Sedaka wrote his 1959 hit "Oh! Carol" about his then-girlfriend, Carol Klein, later to become Carole King. In 1963, King released a humorous answer entitled "Oh Neil". The Laughter In the Rain Songfacts says Sedaka's hits dried up when The Beatles arrived, but then he teamed up with the lyricist Philip Cody and had a a number...
Neil Young Neil Young,出生于1945年11月12日的加拿大多伦多。他最早的战斗历史要追溯到五十年代中期的Squires,一支半职业化的乐队。1963年他随Squires乐队一起出现在加拿大民谣乐坛而开始了他的演唱生涯。1964年,他定居纽约,加入Mynah Birds乐队。不久后,因对Mynah Birds成绩感到不满,他和乐队贝司手Bruce Palmer共同前往洛杉矶寻求发展。在洛杉矶,他俩和Stephen Stills成立了被称为当时美国最好的Buffalo Springfield乐队。并取得成功。但乐队的成功导致了一系列危机开始让Neil Young感到厌烦,他于1968年4月退出乐队。 Neil Young是唯一可以和Bob Dylan相提并论的民摇艺人,从六十年代末一直到今天,Neil Young从未停止过对摇滚乐的探索,从早期的rockabilly、布鲁斯一直到硬摇滚。但是他最喜爱的还是民摇、乡摇。Neil Young大量的作品影响了几代人,甚至一些丝毫没有创作能力的grunge乐队都乐于自称源于他的影响。在Neil Young进入演绎生涯第四个十年后的今天,他依然保持着旺盛的创作能力。 Neil Young的音乐观念核心始终是强烈的独立意识。他近乎心甘情愿地否认期望、潮流以及所谓的趣味。他是个摇滚英雄,但绝不会向名誉和地位低头。他的歌曲个性鲜明或带有浓烈的政治气息。他为自己民谣摇滚和歌手兼词曲作者身份而感到自豪,同时又摒弃他们,不断超越着自己。然而他绝不是传统意义上的折衷主义者。他尽可能地以音乐形式的发展作为自己创作的唯一目的,而不是简单的尝试,这个过程至今仍在持续中。Neil Young什么时候追求什么样的音乐风格从来都是都是无关紧要的。任何音乐都会因为他独特气质的介入而立刻身价倍增,任何一个有他参与的乐队都会成名——Buffalo Springfield、Crazy Horse、Crosby,Stills,Nash And Young。 .
Neil Diamond的档案 Neil Diamond是美国60年代诞生的创作天才歌手,他的经典曲目已收录在这套《环球大师珍藏系列》中。 Neil Diamond在近20年里一直是非常受欢迎的歌手和歌曲创作者,他和Carol King一样是60年代初从纽约 “布里尔大厦”的歌曲创作者中涌现出的另一位天才。他的表演潜能最先被Jeff Barry发现, 1966年诞生了自己的第一首排行榜前20位的歌曲。 .
Neil Hagerty is an American improvisational guitarist. He is best known for his work in Royal Trux. Hagerty released several solo albums following the band's demise in 2001, followed subsequently by recordings under the moniker The Howling Hex. Hagerty is also the author of two books, "Victory Chimp" (1997), a science fiction novel, and "Public Works" (2005), a collection of short essays. .
Neil On Impression is an Italian instrumental post-rock outfit blending dynamic explosive guitar, piano and drum workouts with epic string arrangements. The band features members of the screamo band Raein. .