Phallus Über Alles | zh

舒伯特(F.P.Schubert 1797─1828) ,奥地利作曲家,他是早期浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,也被认为是古典主义音乐的最后一位巨匠。   舒伯特于1797年1月31日出生在维也纳贫困的小学校长家庭。他从小学习钢琴和小提琴,十一岁被帝国小教堂唱诗班录取,并住进神学院,成为该校乐队小提琴手,同时还担任指挥,这使他有机会接触维也纳古典乐派一些著名作曲家的名作,他1813年为该乐队创作了《第一交响曲》。1813年因变声离开神学院,舒伯特为了减轻家庭负担,到父亲所在的学校里担任助理教师,同时继续创作。   1814年10月19日为歌德的诗《纺车旁的格丽卿》谱曲,舒伯特的这第一部歌曲杰作,打开了他创作灵感的闸门。仅1815年一年,舒伯特就写了144首歌曲,其中10月的一天就写了8首歌曲。除歌曲外,他还创作了1部交响曲,2部弥撒曲和其它作品。1816年,他辞去教师的职务,专心从事作曲。由于没有固定收入,生活比较贫困,在他的一些作品里也常常反映出苦闷和压抑的情绪,尽管这样,他还是满怀热情地创作了大量的歌颂民族解放斗争的优秀作品。长期的困苦生活,使舒伯特身心受到极大的摧残,1828年11月19日,年仅三十一岁的舒伯特在维也纳溘然长逝,他被人们崇敬地安葬在贝多芬墓旁。   舒伯特的创作生涯虽然很短暂,却给后人留下了大量的音乐财富,600多首委婉动听的艺术歌曲,为世界音乐宝库增添了耀眼的光辉,在音乐史上被誉为“歌曲之王”。其最有代表性的歌曲有《魔王》、《野玫瑰》、《圣母颂》、《菩提树》、《鳟鱼》、《小夜曲》、声乐套曲《美丽的磨坊女》、《冬日的旅行》等;另有18部歌剧、歌唱剧和配剧音乐,10部交响曲,19首弦乐四重奏,22首钢琴奏鸣曲,4首小提琴奏鸣曲以及许多其它作品。 .
There are at least two groups called Alles. 1. The first Alles has been described as follows: "We live in the kingdom of noise, information overflow, misinformation & disorientation. Ever rushing, we grasp disconnected words, unfinished thoughts, repeated ideas. We consume relationships, sandwiches, art. We want freedom but don't know how to be free. We close up in the world of definition, scheme, calculation and manipulation. Post-modernism, post-punk, post-communism, great post. Overload's overload, tiredness of being tired. Has everything been done before? ... Alles." 2. Alles was a very short-lived Dutch pop group of the 1960s, hailing from the small...
Tuber is a instrumental band from Greece. Tuber grew up in a sunny place, south of Greece, on an island called Crete. They were hiding from the sun, jamming in dark studios and playing their music in rock caves. As they moved north, sounds became lighter, since they started miss hot ground. Balance came as a result of smash, dark embraced light and improvisation turned into an effortless and instinctive process. Tuber moved their interest into new forms, founding themselves experimenting with compositions that combine mixed styles and sounds from different ground. Focus is now on rock aesthetic flirting with...
Hubert Kah (Hubert Kemmler) was born on 22 March 1961 in Reutlingen. He is a German singer and songwriter. He was part of the so-called "Neue Deutsche Welle" (new German wave, a trend where in the 1980s German-language songs suddenly became very popular in Germany) with the "Trio Hubert KaH" (Hubert Kemmler: vocals, keyboards, Markus Löhr: guitar, keyboards, Klaus Hirschburger: bass and sometimes Niko Kimmerle: drums). They had success in 1982 with the songs "Rosemarie", "Sternenhimmel" and "Einmal nur mit Erika (...dieser Welt entflieh'n)". In 2005 Hubert Kah started his comeback with the release of "Seelentaucher". The first Single "No...