Yello Stina Nordenstam | zh

The Yellow Monkey (ザイエローモンキー), often abbreviated to yemon (イエモン), is a popular Japanese rock band formed in 1989. Its name derives from an ethnic slur and is an ironic reference to the belief that Japanese rock groups could never be "authentic". In 2003, HMV Records Japan rated them #81 in their "Top 100 Japanese pops Artists". Although band activities were ceased starting from January 2001, except for later releases of band material such as compilations and DVDs, The Yellow Monkey actually broke up on July 7, 2004. THE YELLOW MONKEY(ザ イエローモンキー)は、吉井和哉(LOVIN、ボーカル、ギター)、菊地英昭(EMMA、ギター)、廣瀬洋一(HEESEY、ベース)、菊地英二(ANNIE、ドラムス)の4名からなる日本のロックバンド。 1988年に結成、2001年1月より活動を停止し、2004年7月7日をもって解散した。 なお「イエローモンキー」とは主に西洋圏で使用される日本人に対する蔑称である。この名前は、ダサくてシニカルな名前にしたいと考えていた吉井によってつけられた。略称は、イエモン。 吉井和哉(よしい かずや、1966年10月8日 - ) ボーカル担当。通称ロビン(LOVIN)。東京都北区出身。解散後はYOSHII LOVINSON(2006年に吉井和哉に改名)として活動。  菊地英昭(きくち...
克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera),1980年12月18日出生于美国纽约史泰登岛,美国女歌手、演员。 童年时期,克里斯蒂娜加入电视节目“米老鼠俱乐部”后开始演艺生涯。1998年与RCA唱片公司签约,同年为迪士尼电影《Mulan》演唱主题曲《Reflection》,获金球奖最佳原创歌曲提名。1999年发行首张同名专辑《Christina Aguilera》,凭借歌曲《What a Girl Wants》获得第42届格莱美最佳新人奖。2002年发行专辑《Stripped》,凭借歌曲《Beautiful》获得第46届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。 2006年发行第三张专辑《Back to Basics》,凭借歌曲《Ain't No Other Man》获得第49届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。 2010年留名于好莱坞星光大道,同年主演电影歌舞剧《滑稽戏》,自创歌曲《Bound To You》入围金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖。2010年6月4日发行专辑《Bionic》。2012年11月13日发行专辑《Lotus》。2013年为电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》献唱歌曲《We Remain》。 2015年2月与乐队“A Great Big World”合作的歌曲《Say Something》在57届格莱美奖中获得最佳流行组合奖 ;同年回归音乐评论节目《美国好声音》第八季担任导师。 .
Yellow Claw is a DJ and record production duo from Amsterdam, Netherlands. The group consists of Jim Aasgier (Jim Taihuttu) and Nizzle (Nils Rondhuis). Their music is a mix of wide range of genres and often incorporates elements from trap, hip hop, dubstep, hardstyle and moombahton. Yellow Claw first gained popularity in the middle of 2010, after founding and hosting a night party at one of Amsterdam's most famous night clubs, the Jimmy Woo. During 2012 and 2013, they released a number of successful singles, which charted on the Dutch and Belgian national charts: "Krokobil", "Nooit Meer Slapen", "Thunder" and...
Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO) is an influential Japanese electropop band, formed in 1978. They are renowned as a major influence in popular music, and for pioneering the electropop music genre. The principal members are Haruomi Hosono (bass), Yukihiro Takahashi (drums) and Ryuichi Sakamoto (keyboards). The band was originally conceived as a one-off studio project by Hosono, the other two members being recruited session musicians - the idea was to produce an album fusing orientalist exotica (cf their cover version of Martin Denny's Firecracker) with modern electronics. However the first album (with its cutting-edge production) was very popular, and the studio...
There is more than one artist called Christina. 1. Christina, biduanita remadja dari Surakarta, Indonesia, bintang tiada tara jang muntjul memahkotai angkasa senisuara. Bukan kwalitas suaranja. Bukan tehnik menjanjinja. Buka pula pembawaan lagunja. Tetapi ketiga-tiganjalah jang menempatkan Christina disinggasana senisuara. Recorded "Bintang Tjitaku" with VARIATA led by IDO SIGARLAKI and released in 1966 in Indonesia. 2. Christina Janet Undhjem is from Røros (Norway), but moved to Denmark in 1995. In Denmark she became singer in the pop group Youknowwho. She later joined the girl pop trio Sha Li Mar. She released one album Watching You in 1998. 3. Christina Booth...
找到了 12 歌曲, 持续时间: 59:47
To The Sea (Planet Trax "Yello Dubmarine" Mix)
To the Sea (Southern Mix)
To The Sea (Southern Mix)
To The Sea (Southern Mix) КафеМечты.РФ
To The Sea (MirOn 127 cover mix)
To The Sea (Direct Hit Digital Mix)
To The Sea (Hallu Sea Nation Mix)
To The Sea (Aqualite Mix)
To The Sea Southern Mix by Steve B-Zet