Zeds Dead feat Omar Linx Big Gigantic | zh

William Omar Landrón (born February 10, 1978 in Puerto Rico), better known as Don Omar, is a reggaeton singer. He is one of the most well known reggaeton artists in Latin America. His cross over success in the U.S. has given him more exposure to English speaking Reggaeton fans, making him one of the more recognizable faces of Reggaeton along with Daddy Yankee and Tego Calderón. Don Omar's popularity is currently rising and he recently appeared on MTV. Omar is best known for his songs "Dile" and "Dale Don Dale" from his first album The Last Don and "Reggaeton Latino"....
There are two artists that have used the name Memphis May Fire: 1) A rock band from Dallas, Texas. 2) A heavy metal band from Baltimore, Maryland. Memphis May Fire is an American metalcore band currently based in Dallas, Texas. Since its formation, the band has released two EPs and four full-length albums, the latest being Unconditional which was released March 2014. Their music has been compared to Underoath and He Is Legend. The band formed in December 2006, but it was not until February 2007 that the group decided on the name Memphis May Fire having previously gone by...
Girls Dead Monster简称GDM,是2010年四月新番ANGEL BEATS!中的四人乐队。她们的主要任务是为了吸引死后世界的其他普通学生(简称NPC),使他们在战斗中不被误伤和抢夺饭票。 .
生于靠近利物浦的一个港口(sunlight)的pete burns,父亲francis burns,母亲eva burns.他有德国血统,也是家族中第一个生于英格兰的德国人.年仅12岁时他深信自己是应该与众不同的,于是他试着在自己头发上做些手脚.换来的只是老师和同学的异样眼光.pete16岁休了学,来到一家发廊工作,遇见了前任妻子lynne corlett,她是一个年轻的发型师,尽管最初互相看不上眼,但上天还是让他俩走到一起,lynne能体会到这个男孩有多么需要帮助,她竭力保护和照顾着他,四年后两人终于结婚.遗憾的是前一阵他们还是结束了长达23年的婚姻.   18岁的pete签约了利物浦一家名叫probe的唱片公司,他的音乐生涯从此开始.   pete burns 在组建dead or alive之前,他曾是mystery girls的成员,后来他又在Nightmares in Wax 呆过一段时间,Nightmares in Wax 是1974组建的比较早的原始哥特-微朋克乐队,曾经发行过 12寸的黑胶单曲"Black Leather".还有一个是七寸的"Birth of a Nation", 是一首歌做了三个不同的版本的唱片.只是他们从没译乐队的名义发过专辑.   后来的dead or alive是80年代比较有名的dance pop乐队了,成员有过变动,但pete一直维护dor这个名字,You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)是他们的代表作,直到现在还是他们的标签.pb一直被认为是强烈性欲和华丽扮相的代言,他的扮相曾经被80年代观众所追捧,但是曾被指出抄袭culture club主唱boy george.他们同样有着异装癖,脚踩高跟鞋,抹浓妆 发型夸张.虽然如此他一眼坚持说自己注重的是时尚而并非以性哗众取宠 .   现在他们仍以dead or alive的名义在欧洲和亚洲发行专辑,他也一直没有从整容的癖好中走出来   pb的嘴唇做过大规模的整形,他还植过下巴,整过许多次鼻子,身上 纹身也不少,2006年,他告别了18个月的术后复原生活,重新在一档真人秀节目"big brother"中露面, 告别了被整容失败阴影所笼罩的时光.   2006年burns出了一本自传"Freak Unique",他坦然承认了一段他曾被猥亵的历史,书中也描述了这些日子他的绝望,和甚至想要了断自己的痛苦经历.   pete自称是个很实际的人,他很看重私人生活,"名利不会让我冲昏头脑",他说,"父母和家人,甚至是我的两只宠物猫,永远是我开心的理由,"这就是这个自信者要告诉fans的话,"只要做好自己,你就会干得不错.一切都将顺其自然." .
找到了 10 歌曲, 持续时间: 34:17
Stoned Capone (feat. Omar LinX & Big Gigantic)
Soned Capone (feat. Omar LinX & Big Gigantic)
Stoned Capone (feat. Omar LinX & Big Gigantic)
Stoned Capone (feat. Omar LinX & Big Gigantic)
Stoned Capone (feat. Omar LinX & Big Gigantic)
Stoned Capone (feat. Omar LinX)
Stoned Capone (Original Mix)
Stoned Capone (Original Mix) (320 Kbps)