Seks | zh

Malaysian punks playing thrashy grindcore! It's rad. .
Japanese visual artist and vocalist Lun*na Menoh and Korean producer/thereminist Sukho Lee met through Los Angeles' underground electronic scene. Lun*na's background is in fashion design and performance art, which she incorporates into the band through her unique costumes and humorous performances. Sukho Lee's background in classical music has helped him to become an accomplished and respected theremin player. Together Lun*na and Sukho put visually stimulating multimedia shows which feature a large, anatomically correct robot named Erector and far-out video projections, in addition to their arousing music. Seksu Roba has performed with Peaches, Electrocute, Tipsy, Fantastic Plastic Machine and Lydia Lunch,...
若不是脑袋塞满了一缸子鬼点子,或许不会有摇滚乐队将团名取为「欢乐的性交」。 居住於布鲁克林的Greenpoint区,Asobi Seksu是一群平均年龄不到三十岁的纽约摇滚客,曲风深受My Bloody Valentine影响。为了向前辈致意,Asobi Seksu甚至在同名专辑内刻意将某首曲子唤为Sooner,藉此与My Bloody Valentine的名曲Soon遥相呼应。 或因弹奏的是不再时兴的Shoegaze曲势,Asobi Seksu与纽约在地乐圈的交集不多。她们认为,与其将时间花在交际,不如认真将音乐玩好才是要紧。乐队於2002年自掏腰包发行了首张专辑(已於2004年重发),去年则在独立厂牌Friendly Fire的挹注下推出了广受好评的第二击Citrus。取名Citrus倒不是团员特别偏爱这款水果,而是Citrus代表的亮橘色特别契合乐队的明快性格。 主唱Yuki生於东京,随后与家人搬至琉球暂住,三岁时移居加州。由於特殊的文化养成背景,Asobi Seksu除了细腻与狂暴兼容的白色噪音墙是为人称道的特点,Yuki轮流用英文与日文谱下的词也是一绝。些许的异国情调或许助长了Asobi Seksu的声势,Yuki不但不担心英美乐迷会因无法理解日文词句而产生接触障碍,甚至打趣地说:「其实连乐队的其他成员,也时常搞不清楚我写的日文词到底关於什麼…」 团长James是主要的作曲人,负责弹奏吉他与合音。年仅二十三岁,人在格林威治村知名电影院Film Forum打工的鼓手Ben,与乐队里年纪最长的贝斯手Haji则共同协助编曲,并於表演现场炒热气氛。 谈起各自喜欢的音乐,James的聆听启蒙是Sonic Youth,这也是为何Asobi Seksu的现场总见James将每把吉他弹断了弦,那是深受Thurston Moore噪音毒害产生的必发症状。Yuki平日接触大量的古典乐,而金属则是Ben的旧爱。团员喜爱的新团则有Animal Collective与Beach House。此外,独立电影也甚爱采用Asobi Seksu的曲子,乐迷能於In Between Days与Flannel Pajamas这些电影中识别出Asobi Seksu的作品。 .
Seks Bomba is a Boston Music Award-winning rock band from Boston with a vicious sound and fun vibe, that has been described at times as retro, surf, spy, or lounge. Their music has appeared in several films and TV shows including "MTV Real World" and "One Life to Live". The band achieved peak popularity in the late 90s, releasing 3 CDs plus appearances on a variety of compilations. Band members are Chris Cote (guitar, vocals), Lori Perkins (organ, flute), Brett Campbell (drums), George Hall (guitar), and Matt Silbert (bass) later replaced by Paul Engle. .
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