All Left Out | zh

Southern California's punk-pop quartet Lefty consists of guitarists Dennis Hill and Larry Giovani, bassist Scott Somers, and drummer Kenny Livingston. Friends since grade school, Hill and Somers began playing music together in late 1997; Giovani joined them after hearing one of their early rehearsals, and they began playing gigs in early 1998. A year later they issued their self-released debut album, Sound Secretion Dub, and replaced their original drummer with Livingston. By spring 1999 the word of mouth about their album and energetic live shows caught the attention of Interscope Records, who signed Lefty that fall and released their second...
1995年度最佳乐队:Leftfield 这几乎是横空出世的。Neil Barnes和Paul Daley这两个前朋克乐手,在acid house时期相逢。他们的首支单曲“Not Forgatten”(永志不忘)是俱乐部里的传奇。“Song Of Life”(生命之歌)也不差。1993年John Lydon演唱了一首Leftfield的“Open Up”(开窍),使这个朋克老小孩也喜欢上了舞厅里的4/4节奏。然后,他们就消失了。几乎所有人都以为这又是昙花一现的乐队。但《Leftism》(左派)最终在1995年年初出现了。事情马上明了了,先前的众说纷纭都是不负责任的臆测。这是张地地道道的舞曲唱片,它证明了舞曲音乐已经从一种文化现象升格为羽翼已丰的艺术形式。Orbital在这方面也做了不少努力,打破了舞曲音乐的模式框框,并 表现了他们的延展性。 这张无时间概念的作品代表的不仅仅是俱乐部文化。它有曲调、旋律、情感和情绪,并且很好地传递了舞曲音乐的精髓并且在某方面与Britpop遥相呼应。锐舞者和另类小子之间的隔阂彻底取消,门户观念也消除了。Leftfield意味着什么?不是别的,它意味着纯粹对音乐的热爱,不是时尚,不是一时的心血来潮。它 横跨了所有的流行文化:从感官刺激的朋克、实验的reggae到出节奏的house音乐。这是一起新鲜且自命不凡的个案,吸引了全宇宙的喝彩与奉承。真诚、痉挛、情感的冲撞构成了《Leftism》最基本的力量所在。 《Leftlism》的成功奠定了Underworld和The Chemical Brothers的成功。舞曲音乐已经蔚然成风,没什么会象Leftfield那样改变历史了。 .
There are two artists by this name: 1. Leftside is a popular Jamaican dancehall deejay (rapper) and producer, renown for his alter-ego "Dr Evil" and the work with his former partner Esco. As a solo artist, he's had hits with "Dem Gone" and "Cowboy". As the duo Leftside & Esco, he performed the vocals on the smash hit "Belly Nug Bang (Tuck In Yu Belly)", and as the persona Dr Evil (also with Esco) he made the dancehall charts with "More Punanny", "No STD" and "Stay Far From We". Most recently he has collaborated with artists Blak Diamon, Bugle, and...
The Left Banke was an American 1960s pop-music group which produced the two hit singles of "Walk Away Renee" and "Pretty Ballerina". Often utilizing so-called baroque pop string arrangements, the band's music was an imaginative response to the work of The Beatles, The Zombies, and other British invasion groups of the era. The band was short-lived, but it had a major influence among many later American groups. The group was formed in 1965 and consisted of keyboardist/songwriter Michael Brown, guitarist Jeff Winfield (later replaced by Rick Brand), bassist Tom Finn, drummer George Cameron and singer Steve Martin (aka Steve Martin...
A project of Benn L. Jordan, AKA The Flashbulb. Submitted three B-Side tracks to a split with DJ Aneurysm in 2006. .