Marisa | zh

一直以来,巴西为我们带来许多迷人的歌声,Elis Regina、Maria Creuza、Maria Bethania、Gal Costa等传奇女伶皆是来自这个迷人的国度,而玛莉萨蒙特Marisa Monte则是少数几个能够同时游走多种不同风格的实力派唱将。玛莉萨蒙特被誉为「当今巴西流行乐坛的缪斯女神」,只要有她公开演唱的场合,总是挤满一望无际的壮大人潮。她是当代流行天后,却不时深掘巴西音乐的传统与根源,也是Arto Lindsay、阪本龙一、John Zorn及Nana Vasconcelos等世界一流乐手争相合作的对象。1967,玛莉萨蒙特出生于巴西里约热内卢,由于父亲的关系,她14岁起就开始接受十分专业严格的音乐训练,不论是歌唱、吉他或是打击乐器都包含在内。19岁时她前往意大利罗马学习古典声乐,同时她不时受邀与Djavan、Gilberto Gil、 Caetano Veloso与Milton Nascimento等巴西巨星同台献唱。当她回到巴西后,她先是靠着小型演出累积知名度,于1989正式发表首张同名专辑,一鸣惊人的她一跃成为当地最受瞩目的明日之星。此后,她每次发行新专辑作品时,都能够缔造话题与惊人的销售纪录,她不仅赋予巴西流行音乐更深刻的内涵,亦被国际专业音乐媒体公认是巴西当代乐坛的第一流行天后。玛莉萨不论到哪里进行演出,都能够成功引起当地听众对巴西音乐的好奇心,而她所创造的「玛莉萨蒙特效应」更早已席卷世界各地。   本张以CD+DVD型式问市的《Infinito Ao Meu Redor》,不仅是玛莉萨用来回顾个人歌唱事业的重要发行,也提供全球乐迷一个难得的机会,近距离接触这位巴西天后的过去与现在。其中DVD总共分成纪录片与现场演出纪实两部份,在同名纪录片中,玛莉萨利用超过一个小时的时间,以第一人称旁白细数40年来的人生际遇与重要音乐成就,回顾她如何从一个没没无闻的女歌手,成为一个足迹踏遍世界各地,并为无数听众带来感动的巴西天后。其中除了穿插精采的现场演出片段,还由她亲自为大家揭开音乐工业的神秘面纱,纪录她如何在音乐创作之外,面对专辑发行、媒体采访、巡回演出、唱片工业危机等众多议题。而最让人着迷的,则莫过于她与其它音乐人的真诚友谊与互动,本片完整纪录巡回演出前的众多筹备工作,历时整整18个月,行程遍及五大洲17个国家,共计140多场演场会,超过75万名观众共襄盛举。藉此我们不难发现玛莉萨对音乐与美学的独特坚持,然而一切的努力,最后也全都转化为舞台下热烈的掌声与如痴如醉的欢呼。而除了追加收录部份现场演出完整片段,本张作品还内含收录九首经典曲目的Live CD。不论你纯粹只想享受动人的音乐,或是想更进一步窥探当今音乐工业的运作模式,本张作品都是你千万不容错过的优质选择。 .
Marisa Lindsay was born in Barbados her vocal talent reflects her naturally charismatic personality while drawing the audience in, to reveal a deep, soulful, sensual woman. Marisa releases her new cd, Deeper Love 2009. This ground breaking album is a collection of original material highlighting Marisa’s jazz/neo-soul sensibilities. Her first cd, Submit2love was launched during Marisa’s return to her hometown at the Barbados Jazz Festival in 2007. Her performances and the CD have received rave reviews at home and abroad. Influenced by Natalie Cole, Aretha Franklin and Billie Holiday, Marisa’s performances take you through the turns and twists of her...
Marisa Tomei (/məˈrɪsə toʊˈmeɪ/; born December 4, 1964) is an American and Italian (dual citizenship)[citation needed] actress and producer. In a career which spans three decades, she initially saw success in movies as a young actress followed by a tumble with a series of unsuccessful movies and saw a resurgence during her middle age with a series of universally acclaimed performances and films. Over these years she has established herself as one of the finest actresses of her generation and has received many awards and nominations for it. Following her work on the television series As the World Turns, she...
Marisa De Lille is a mexican soprano, known in dubbing for sang anime theme translated songs in Hispanic America; under by dubbing label Intertrack. Also is actress, dancer, writer, composer and with artistic experience in the music bussiness. Mexico .
Marisa Sannia was an italian singer (*15.2.1947-†14.4.2008). In 1968 she took second place at the Festival di Sanremo with «Casa bianca». .