Armenian Navy Band, Arto Tunçboyacıyan | zh

一般人都知道多莉-帕顿(Dolly Parton)有一副温婉的金嗓子,也知道她有着特别“宏伟”的胸部,但知道帕顿还有一副超乎常人的商人头脑的人恐怕就不多了。这位现年55岁的美国乡村歌手,在其30多年的职业生涯里,演绎了无数乡村音乐的经典名曲,早已成为像弗兰克-西纳特拉(FrankSinatra)那样的国际巨星。更让人惊叹不已的是,1986年她还不顾所有人的反对,坚持在家乡田纳西州的Pigeon Forge建立了名为“多莉山”(Dollywood)的主题公园。正是这一当初不招人待见的项目现在每年却给多莉-帕顿创造着约3000万美元的纯利,使得她可以衣食无忧地安心于自己的音乐创作。在即将于本周三揭晓的第43届格莱美大奖上,这位已多次荣获“格莱美”大奖的乡村歌坛的常青树又获得了两项提名:《巡游祷告者》(Travelin’Prayer)获最佳乡村歌曲女表演奖提名,《草是蓝色的》(TheGrass Is Blue)获最佳“蓝草”专辑提名。不仅如此,这位老而弥坚的歌星还将在“格莱美”颁奖礼上作为特约嘉宾作精彩表演。   身高仅1米54的多莉-帕顿是美国田纳西“烟山”地区一个有12个孩子的穷苦家庭中的老四。帕顿的父母为负担这个庞大的家庭的衣食起居可以说是操碎了心。正是因为这样一种家庭环境,多莉-帕顿的成长史简直可以说就是一部有关一个乡村女孩如何追求名声与财富以逃脱命运的苦海的经典教科书。从小就热爱歌唱的帕顿在叔叔的帮助下,10岁便开始在电视上进行表演。1964年自高中毕业后,她便下定决心要成为一名乡村音乐的歌星。   现在的帕顿早已功成名就,但她却从未脱离过她当年曾经极力逃避的故土与亲情。所以,最近老父亲的去世给帕顿带来的打击比人们想象的要大得多。帕顿在一家酒吧还曾为故去的父亲深情地唱起那首催人泪下的《斑驳的外套》(Coat of Many Colors)。当时,不仅帕顿哭了,乐队哭了,台下的听众也被感动得热泪盈眶。   在多年的职业生涯里,帕顿也曾经涉足于流行乐坛甚至好来坞电影界,但她始终没有忘却培养与造就了她的乡村音乐。近三年来,她接连发行的三部曲式的专辑《再次饥饿》(Hungary Again)、《草是蓝色的》(The Grass Is Blue)和《小麻雀》(Little Sparrow)则更加返璞归真――后两张专辑属于乡村音乐中更为纯净的“蓝草音乐” .
There are a number of bands named 'Cartoon'. One is an electronical dance music band from Estonia. Members are Joosep Järvesaar, Hugo Martin Maasikas and Ago Teppand. Another is a RIO/Avant band from US, which released two albums in 80's. Another is a bi-lingual band from Wales, UK, who released music in the late 90's. Another is the Cork, Ireland-based jazz funk outfit whose 2006 CD Ban the Use of Jazz Music mixed cool grooving vocals with spoken-word interludes. Cartoon split soon after the release. They reformed for the 2007 Cork Jazz Festival but have not subsequently regrouped to perform...
There are three bands named Cartoons: 1) The Cartoons (also know internationally 'Cartoons DK') were a self-described "technobilly" pop band from Denmark. Best known for their hit 'Witch Doctor', they were equally famed for their outlandish plastic costumes and wigs of 1950s American rock and roll stars. The Cartoons released three albums ('Toonage!', 'More Toonage!' and 'Toontastic!' and a greatest hits package ('Greatest Toons!') as well as contributing the track 'Wobble-Di-Bubble-Di-Doo' for the animated film 'Help! I'm a fish' (also known in America as 'A Fish Tale'). 2) Cartoons are a diy greek punk rock band formed in late 2007-early...
Eileen Barton (November 24, 1924 – June 27, 2006) was an American singer best known for her apostrophic 1950 hit song, "If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake." She was born in Brooklyn, New York. Her birthdate is often given as 1929, but a certified copy of her birth certificate shows that she was born in 1924. This was done commonly, to shave a few years from a performer's age. Eileen's parents, Benny and Elsie Barton, were vaudeville performers. She first appeared in her parents' act at age 2-1/2, singing "Ain't Misbehavin'," on a dare to her...
The Cartoons were an early 80s post-punk band from the UK. Combing influences of Joy Division and The Fall, they released a single in 1983 called "Gee George b/w Love is the Drug" on Stiletto records. .
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Civilian Spiritual Secret Police
One up, One Down, Sometimes Make a Left Turn
Bugün Yaşlı Olmak Kolay Değil
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