Break The Box | zh

1) Polish blues rock band 2) French street punk band 1) Breakout is a Polish blues rock band, formed in 1 February 1968. The band featured most members of the band Blackout. Breakout is the most famous Polish blues rock band formed in 1968. Formed in 1965 as Blackout. In 1968 the band has changed name to Breakout. The characteristic for Breakout music is sound of Tadeusz Nalepa guitar and voice of Mira Kubasińska. Breakout crash out in 1980. After a few years of playing as Blackout, the first performance of Breakout took place on Musicorama festival, in February 1968....
BREAKERZ is a Japanese rock band, started by DAIGO (vocals, formerly DAIGO☆STARDUST), SHINPEI (guitar, ex-SummerSol.10). They began by recording demos together; DAIGO wrote the music and SHINPEI arranged it. Later they were joined by AKIHIDE (guitar), Daigo's friend and some times support guitarist, after his band, NEVER LAND, split. Their first single, was released on June 6, 2008, and is available through iTunes Japan. Their self-titled first album was released on July 25, 2007. .
美国新生代金属乐队Breaking Benjamin 《Phobia》是美国另类金属乐队Breaking Benjamin的第三张正式专辑。在发行的第一周,《Phobia》创造了Breaking Benjamin乐队单周销量的最高纪录,达到12万5千张,获得本周Billboard 200专辑榜的亚军。而这一成绩也是Breaking Benjamin在Billboard 200专辑榜中打榜的最好成绩。Breaking Benjamin的上张专辑是2004年6月发行的《We Are Not Alone》,首周上榜排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第20位,而乐队2002年的处子专辑《Saturate》首周上榜仅排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第136位。 在令人称道的《We Are Not Alone》得到歌迷广泛的赞誉之后,Breaking Benjamin在这张专辑中继续着他们所擅长的旋律化的Alternative Metal风格。相比一般的Alternative Metal乐队,Breaking Benjamin的旋律把握得要明显更为细致,而且歌曲中的chorus段也更易上口。在《Phobia》中,Breaking Benjamin的这一优势表现的相当突出。主打单曲《The Diary of Jane》就是Breaking Benjamin乐队实力的最佳证明,而接下来的《Breath》也是一首旋律非常出色的可以单独打榜的单曲。 他们的新专辑Phobia是后grunge音乐最好的教材,他是一张非常典型的后grunge专辑,每首歌曲都有着一个很黑暗的背景,歌曲的高潮是这首歌曲的制高点,上扬的歌声同时代有非常好听得旋律,所以后grunge是一种非常电台化的音乐,专辑第一主打歌曲The Diary Of Jane在六月份开始在全美电台播出,终于登上了Billboard的单曲榜,他完全符合后grunge的特色,优美旋律,哪怕是在有些疯狂的音乐背后,到了高潮的时候,整首歌曲的光芒就被完全释放出来了,是专辑中第一值得推荐的歌曲。 .
There are multiple artists named Daybreak: 1, Daybreak is an unsigned indie/rock band who perform in the American Midwest. The sounds the quintet makes are intended to be composed movements reflecting the go-with-the-flow attitude we wish we all could have (all of the time), along with image-driven lyrics and rather strange, but infectious melodies. The band is currently underground in Suburban Minnesota recording their first full length record tentatively called "influence/coincidence." They focus on creating songs with individual personalities; like humans, like nature. 2, A melodic hardcore/post-hardcore band from Adelaide, Australia. "What you sing about is what you stand...
4 Bands: 1) Punk/Hardcore band based out of Orlando, FL. Features ex-members of Reversal of Man. 2) Hardcorepunk/Thrash band from Münster, Germany 3) Hardcore punk from East Jakarta, Indonesia 4) Rockabilly band from Germany. .
找到了 151 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:48:10
Groovy Moves
Paul F Trance (Circuit Breaker Remix)
Prostitutes & Video Games (Original Mix) (VINYL)
Break Your Box (The Box OST)
A Melody to Break the Curse (Music Box)
Break Your Box (The Box OST) (Hidden Track)
Break The Box
Anika (Original Mix)
The Bluff (Original Mix)
Break Your Box (The Box OST) (Acoustic ver.)
Test The Bass
style and flavour (black & blunt remix)
Go Easy (Original Mix)
Prostitutes & Video Games (Original Mix)
a Little more
Rock The Mic (Original Mix)
Shit 4 You (Break The Box Remix)
Rock The Mic
Dynamite (Break The Box Remix)
Test the Bass (Home Alone Remix)
Go Easy (Anarchy Rice Remix)
Break the Box
Drop the Bass
Summer Rolls (Perpetual Present Remix)
The Hell (Original mix)
Lonedog (Break The Box Remix)
Groovy Moves (Plaza De Funk Mix)
The Bluff (Original Mix)
Break Your Box (MV Ver.)(The Box OST)
Bombaman (Shut Up & Dance Hallelujay remix)
Check The Zip
The Hell (Original Mix)
GhostBusters! - (Break The Box Bootleg remix)
Ghost Licker (Original Mix)
Groovy Moves (Original Mix)
To Break the Curse (Music Box)