Howard Carpendale | zh

詹姆斯·纽顿·霍华出生于1951年,年轻时就扎根于古典音乐的学习。在匹兹堡交响乐团里演奏小提琴的祖母的影响下,Howard开始学习钢琴,并在让他最终达到音乐顶峰的圣塔芭芭拉的西部音乐学院(与Reginald Stewart和Leon Fleischer一道)和南加州大学的音乐学院学习音乐。尽管他喜爱管弦乐,但是他还是于20世纪60,70年代进入了流行摇滚音乐的领域。自从他70年代早期在南加州乐队"Mama Lion"担任键盘手之后,Howard凭借他演奏的熟练技巧制作了一些个人演奏专辑。 在为电子琴而痴迷的那段时间里, 他经常为Diana Ross, Carly Simon, Ringo Starr等人编曲和演奏电子合成器。 他在为他的才华寻找一个最终归宿, Howard将他的名字扩充为James Newton Howard, 部分原因是因为这个名字更加容易区分,也有部分原因是因为James Howard这个名字已经在这个行业存在了(当他在专业的音乐协会注册时就出现过问题)。20世纪70年代中期, Howard与Elton John进行了接触,很快他就成为了John经常合作的键盘手。这种合作也包括了一些在1981年唱片歌曲中的演出和1986年与Elton John的一次巡回演唱会。然而 , Howard准备从其他方面来拓展他的事业时。他为Cher和Valerie Carter制作录音,并且与Barbara Streisand和Randy Newman二人签约。Howard也有了谱写音乐,并在在澳大利亚的Elton John音乐会现场来指挥演奏的机会。 他开始与流向为并为《Dune》谱写了配乐的Toto相熟, , 至今Howard的音乐仍然交给Toto的成员演奏。他对音乐精彩编排也给了其本人指挥伦敦交响乐团演奏自己音乐录音的机会。 之后,在八十年代中期,Howard偶然的接触到电影配乐。他的第一部作品是1986年的《Head Office》,这部电影几乎在5年以后被人完全遗忘, 但James Newton Howard的配乐却渐渐引起了好莱坞的导演们的注意。他的配乐生涯在1991年因《Prince Of Tides》配乐获得奥斯卡奖提名和在《Moon》和《Grand Canyon》里面出色表现而扶摇直上。Howard也将他的配乐领域( 哈利·波菜)扩大到电视剧,为很多电视作品谱写了音乐主题,他在1994年因为《E.R.》获得了艾美奖提名,因此财政状况也得到了改善,每一集都会给他带来丰厚的收入。之后Howard又获得过几次艾美奖和格莱美奖的提名,随后他又因《The Fugitive》和《My Best Friend's Wedding》以及几首歌曲而再次获得奥斯卡奖提名。Howard随后与导演Ivan Reitman, Kevin Costner, 还有Lawrence Kasdan长时间合作而赢得了良好的口碑。如今他在好莱坞是一位非常出色的作曲家,现在James Newton Howard与他的妻子还有两个儿子居住在洛杉矶。 .
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine George Howards polished fusion of funk, jazz and urban soul helped the soprano saxophonist become one of the most popular contemporary jazz performers of the 80s and 90s. Since he concentrated on groove and overall sound instead of improvisation, Howard never received much attention from jazz critics, but he retained a large audience well into his second decade of performing. Howard began his musical career in the late 70s. He received his first break when Grover Washington, Jr., one of his musical idols, invited him on a tour in 1979. The tour helped establish Howards name,...
There are three persons with this name. 1. Howard Jones (born John Howard Jones on February 23, 1955) is an English singer and songwriter. He is the eldest of three boys. His birthplace is Southampton, England, and he spent his early years in High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, and attended the Royal Grammar School. He now lives with his family in Somerset, England. When he was young, he used to give piano lessons. One of his clients was a girl named Jan Smith, who he later married. Whilst working with her, a vehicle crashed into their van, injuring Jan. She claimed...
Howard McGillin (born November 5, 1953, in Los Angeles, California, USA) is an accomplished stage, screen and television actor. McGillin began his career on television, working as a contract player for Universal Studios. In the early 1980s he moved to New York with the intention of pursuing a career on Broadway. He was quickly cast as one of the male leads in the New York Shakespeare Festival's production of La Boheme starring Linda Ronstadt. Other featured and leading roles on Broadway soon followed. Often considered a "tall, dark and handsome" leading man, McGillin originated the role of John Jasper in...
找到了 23 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:27:59
Nachts, wenn alles schlaft
Wie frei willst du sein
Dann Geh' Doch
Laura Jane(English Version)
Tüt an Tür mit Alice
Wer von uns (1981 Vinyl)
Happy Christmas (With Howard Carpendale)
Wem (1981 Vinyl)
Sig Ihm, Dass Du Gehst
Noch Immer Mittendrin
Mein Grunes Buch
Frühstück Für Zwei (nice music romantic)
Geh heut Nacht nicht so früh schlafen
Happy Christmas
Man vergisst so leicht
Sorry seems to be the hardest word
Together Forerver
Morgen Frun Wirst Du Gehn (1982 Vinyl)