Prince Ital Joe Feat Marky Mark | zh

princess princess准确地说成立于1986年,由奥居香,中山加奈子,今野登茂子,富田京子和渡边敦子五个女孩子组成。1988年在涉谷公会堂开始她们的首演,1989年发表了《Diamonds》和《世界上最热的夏天》两支畅销单曲,是当年最畅销的两张单曲。除此之外他们还拥有《lovers》、《let’s get crazy》等众多百万专辑。作为日本乐坛迄今为止唯一一支成功的全女子摇滚乐队(地下乐队当然不包括在内),她们一直是全日本女孩子的偶像,而且,听过她们歌曲的人应该会知道,这五个女孩子玩得确实是摇滚,而不是包着摇滚外衣的流行音乐,而且这五个女孩子完全包揽自己音乐作品的创作。解散的原因其实也很简单,进入90年代下半期,她们的唱片销量大不如前,一方面,她们的主要唱片购买者女高中生都已经长大,而她们的音乐不能吸引只看重外表的包装效果的新一代歌迷,解散也许是唯一的选择。不过这五个女孩子之后都有自己的事业,奥居香作为一位成功的音乐家仍然活跃,她在几年以前和著名男演员岸谷五郎(就是在《东京仙履奇缘》中演和久井映见的哥哥的那个男演员)结了婚。中山加奈子发表过诗集,乐队解散之后自己组了摇滚乐队,作为作词家她的地位颇为崇高。其他几位也都是日本摇滚圈子里具有重要地位。在1996年发表了纪念专辑,举行了一系列的演唱会,她们曾经建立起来的王朝结束了。很多今天的歌迷也许更不知道有过这一支乐队,但是这样的一支乐队,对于日本流行音乐来说意义重大,毕竟,她们让大家知道,女孩子组乐队并非就一定要是长相漂亮声音甜美的主音,她们还有很多别的角色可以扮演。 プリンセス・プリンセス活动于1983至1996年,是日本公认的迄今为止最优秀的女子摇滚乐队(ガールズ ロック/ポップ バンド,Girls Rock/Pop Band)。在日本一般简称为“プリプリ”。乐队由奥居香(现:岸谷香)、中山加奈子、渡边敦子、富田京子、今野登茂子五人组成。奥居香担当主唱和吉他,中山加奈子作为主吉他,渡边敦子的贝斯,富田京子的敲击,今野登茂子的键盘。1983年在TDK主办的一次试听会上各乐器的选拔中胜出而结成,那时叫“赤坂小町”,5个成员还都是十五六岁的孩子。1986年改名为Princess Princess,同年发表第一张专辑“Kissで犯罪”。最初她们演唱的歌曲多为自己作词、别人作曲,一年多以后改为完全由成员自身创作。主要作曲者奥居香、渡边敦子,主要作词者中山加奈子、富田京子,加上奥居香独特的ロック嗓音,使乐队的唱片销量在以后几年中一路攀升。1989年1月成为第一个在日本武道馆公演的女子乐队(以后每年正月在武道馆例行公演)。同年这张单曲“Diamonds(ダイアモンド)”取得很大成功,专辑“LOVERS”也售出127万枚。在以后的四、五年中,她们连续发表了很多在Oricon排行中居第一或前十位的热门单曲,同时专辑销量也有超常表现,“PRINCESS PRINCESS”,“SINGLES 1987-1992”都达130万枚以上。并且在各地开的现场音乐会共吸引观众190万人,可见乐队的“生演奏”实力。1994年开始,队员个人活动开始增多,今野、奥居、中山纷纷发表自己的ソロ。1995年在第20支单曲“Fly Baby Fly”发卖的同时,プリンセス・プリンセス发表解散决定。1996年2月在最后的一张单曲“夏の终わり”后,乐队在全国各地进行了告别演唱会,在大量的电视节目中出场,终于于5月31日在东京武道馆最后的演出“The Last Live”后解散。 .
Shortly after Mark befriended Derrick Carter in 1988 at a record store in Chicago, his passion for House music, and sharing it with the world, exploded. Mark experimented with a deeper style, dropping De La Soul, disco classics and other stuff that wasn’t being played in the main rooms of nightclubs. While exploring his love for the purist forms of House Music, Mark developed his trademark style: Mushroom Jazz; acid jazz infused with the West Coast’s jazzy, organic productions combined with urban beats. Fans embraced Mark’s downtempo style so much that he started a weekly Mushroom Jazz club night in...
Genitallica is a Mexican rock band from Monterrey, Nuevo León, México that blends various music styles like funk, ska, punk and hip-hop. It all started in early November 1998. In 1999 it was signed by Sony Music. They claim their lyrics are direct and simple, as the youth street language has made Genitallica's fanbase grow exponentially. The band has toured in several countries: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, the United States and Puerto Rico and has been on stage with other bands, such as Blur, Café Tacuba, Control Machete and Molotov. .
There are two artists that have used the name Memphis May Fire: 1) A rock band from Dallas, Texas. 2) A heavy metal band from Baltimore, Maryland. Memphis May Fire is an American metalcore band currently based in Dallas, Texas. Since its formation, the band has released two EPs and four full-length albums, the latest being Unconditional which was released March 2014. Their music has been compared to Underoath and He Is Legend. The band formed in December 2006, but it was not until February 2007 that the group decided on the name Memphis May Fire having previously gone by...
L.A.’s Capital Cities arrive with a little sonic head rush called ‘Safe and Sound’, an easy, breezy, beautiful slice of effervescent electro-pop that even comes complete with a massive ‘trumpets-in-da-club’ bit that absolutely kills it. (Neon Gold) The song has catchy indie stylings and features the beloved vintage Juno-106 keyboard that gives the production such a comforting retro vibe. (Arjan Writes) It's a scorcher bound to make your dance-infused taste buds sizzle. The music swarms with outside-of-the-box tendencies, jam-packed full of life, energy and unusual yet fantastic sounds. (Clixie) Recording original, high-quality songs is one thing, but the ability to...
找到了 121 歌曲, 持续时间: 12:22:45
Prince Ital Joe & Marky Mark
United (Bo dj remix)
Babylon ( Fun Fuctory Remix)
Happy_People (Счастливые люди))))
In Love (feat. Marky Mark)
Happy People (T-Beat Remix) 2022
Happy People (Radio Edit)
Babylon (Club Version)
Happy People (Alexx Rave Remix)
Happy People (Jim Gryp Remix)
Life In The Streets
United 2k19 (UltraBooster Bootleg Mix)
Happy People (TweenHouse Bootleg) [TweenHouse]
Babylon (Loop! Remix)
Babylon (Damage Control Remix)
Happy People (DAR by Shewww)
Happy People 2022 (T-Beat Remix)
Happy People 2015 (Stereo Players Remix)
Can't Stop We (Raw Street)
Rastaman Vibration (Summer Rag)
Rastaman Vibration (Summer Ragga Mix)
Happy People (TweenHouse Bootleg)
Happy People (Long Version)
United (DON PANDA Short mix)
No Mercy (The Fist Of The Tiger) (Hip-Hop Mix)
Happy People (Bass Bumpers Mix)