Nancy Fortune | zh

60年代最受欢迎的“军中情人”——Nancy Sinatra,以招牌长简靴、性感迷你裙及温暖甜美的笑容征服了全美联社歌迷的心!其父亲Frank Sinatra为经典抒情歌王,Nancy一出道就跻身于巨星之林。她和她父亲演唱的Somethin' Stupid被Robbie Williams和Nicole Kidman翻唱, Audio Bullys截取了Nancy Sinatra的Bang Bang,Robbie Williams另外的一首Millenium是使用她的You Only Live Twice的前奏,Jessica Simpson又翻唱了她的These Boots Are Made for Walkin.和的部分原声都是Nancy Sinatra的经典代表,等等都是上乘之作. Nancy Sinatra以声音甜美温柔性感及具穿透力著称.想说的是音乐风格上,当然是主流POP了,里面溶合了很多,有早期的淡淡迷幻和乡村曲风,还有些布鲁斯的味道,是个难得的好歌手 2006年5月10日,美国著名女歌手南茜·辛纳特拉(Nancy Sinatra)正式在好莱坞星光大道留名,这位在上世纪60年代走红的女星在四十年后终于获得了这一荣誉。    1940年,Nancy Sinatra生于美国纽约,父亲是大名鼎鼎的爵士男歌手弗兰克·辛纳特拉(Frank Sinatra)。1966年,个人叛逆的单曲《These Boots Are Made for Walkin》发 行,成为Nancy Sinatra最具代表性的歌曲。“我对年轻女艺人的忠告就是一定要坚韧,不要放弃,即使需要坚持四十年的时间,”Nancy Sinatra说。   在这四十多年的艺人生涯中,Nancy Sinatra以一头蓬松的金发和放荡不羁的个性给人们留下了难以磨灭的印象,而她同时留下的还有一系列在排行榜中位居前列的热门单曲,其中包括《Sugar Town》以及007系列电影的主题曲《You Only Live Twice》。在参加正式授星仪式的时候,Nancy Sinatra“意外的”穿了牛仔裤,而并没有穿她标志性的超短裙。    Nancy Sinatra一生中曾与多位著名歌手合作。1967年,她与父亲Frank Sinatra合唱的歌曲《Something Stupid》很快就成为排行榜的冠军单曲。1968年,她还曾与“猫王”阿尔维斯·普莱斯利(Elvis Presley)在电影《Speedway》中合作演出。到目前为止,Nancy Sinatra个人最新的专辑是2004年发行的同名专辑《Nancy Sinatra》,其中有她与莫里塞(Morrissey),音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth)和贾维斯·库克(Jarvis Cocker)等艺人合作的歌曲。 .
This American singer first came into public eye singing the theme to the US version of the British television program "That Was The Week That Was" in 1964-1965. She hit the lower reaches of the charts in 1966 with "He Wore the Green Beret" and "Cry Softly." Of Panamanian descent (born Nancy Alfaro), she also released two latin-themed albums that were re-released in the new millenium. .
Nancy Harrow (b. October 3, 1930, New York City) is an American jazz singer. Harrow studied classical piano from age seven, then decided to pursue careers in dancing and singing. She released an album for Candid Records in 1960 (featuring Kenny Burrell, Buck Clayton, Dickie Wells, and Milt Hinton) and one for Atlantic Records in 1962 (featuring John Lewis, Dick Katz, Phil Woods, Jim Hall, Richard Davis, and Connie Kay), then left music to raise a family, returning to a career in music in 1975. Since then she has worked with Katz and Woods again, Clark Terry, Roland Hanna, and...
Nancy Adams provided the vocals for the song "Love" in Disney's Robin Hood and Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox. .
Dion Fortune was a Death metal band from Jönköping, Sweden. They released two demos: 'Black Ode' (1993) and 'Tales of Pain' (1994). .