Magín Blanco | zh

Imagine Dragons 来自美国内华达州拉斯维加斯,是一支独立摇滚乐队。这支四人乐队于 2008 年成立。在一次当地乐队比赛中,他们脱颖而出,获得了制作他们的第一张录音室作品的机会。2009年至2010年,他们发行了两张EP,但都不瘟不火。 2011年11月,Imagine Dragons 签入了老牌唱片公司 Interscope Records。在著名制作人 Alex Da Kid 的帮助下,他们呈上了加盟主流厂牌后的第一份作品,Continued Silence。这张 EP 于今年情人节发行,清新悦耳的编曲博得了众多媒体的赞誉。首打歌 [It's Time] 因《壁花少年》这部电影而被主流听众熟悉,随后被大热美剧“欢乐合唱团”在第四季第一集翻唱。从此,It's Time 便是 Billboard 摇滚榜的常客。乐队被 Billboard 杂志评选为 2012 年最闪耀的新星。 最近,他们的新单曲[Lost Cause]被选入了超高人气动画电影《科学怪狗》的原声带。乐队在美国最著名的两档脱口秀节目都曾演出过。 他们的首张专辑《Night Visions》已于2012年9月4日发行。 2012 年秋天后他们将出席众多重量级音乐季,包括 SXSW、MTV Woodie Awards、Summerfest、Bunbury等。 毫无疑问,Imagine Dragons 这颗冉冉升起的新星将在 2013 年继续他们的辉煌。 .
Imagine was founded in 1989 in Dinslaken/Duisburg. In numerous concerts in Germany and other countries they have gathered a huge circle of fans. Until now they have published three CDs and one 60-minutes-video. A list of free downloadable songs can be found at Homepage of Imagine .
Rico Blanco (born March 17, 1973) is a Filipino musician. He is one of the founders of Filipino rock band Rivermaya, where he served as vocalist, pianist, guitarist, and chief songwriter from 1993 to 2007. Blanco has so far recorded, written and produced more local and regional number one hits than any other musician since 1994, and has sold over a million albums in the Philippines and Southeast Asia during that period. For those who waited a year, Rico Blanco's new album "Your Universe" is definitely worth it. It's a defining mark in the 35-year-old musician's career, and a reminder...
Imagination were a three piece soul music band from the United Kingdom in the early 1980s, sometimes described as Britain's first black supergroup. They had chart hits in 28 countries, earning four platinum discs, nine gold discs and over a dozen silver discs between 1981 and 1983. The band consisted of: * Leee John was born John Lesley McGregor in Hackney, London, on 23 June 1957, of St Lucian descent. He was educated in New York, later studying drama at the Anna Scher Theatre School. He was working as a backing singer for The Delfonics, Chairmen of the Board, The...
Bon-Bon Blanco (sometimes abbreviated B3), is a Japanese music group consisting of five girls. Santos Anna on vocals, Izumi on congas, Mako Sakurai (桜井 真子 - aka Mako) on maracas, Ruri on bongos, and Tomoyo on timbales. They are the singers of Get Backers' second ending: Hurricane of Tears. and One Piece fourth opening Bon Voyage .
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