High Tide Lofi, Save Point, LoFi VGM | zh

1. RipTide is the alias of dutch producer Max Bedeker. His remix of the Jennifer Delano track 'Amsterdam' quickly became one of the hottest tracks of the latter part of 2009 and is a set staple amongst the likes of Aeroplane, Brodisnki, Fake Blood and Switch. Currently working on his first EP, 2010 is set to be a promising year for the young Dutchman. 2. Riptide is hardcore punk/surf band from Wilmington NC. Mind Beach Demo released in February of 2012. Members include: Lenny - Vocals, Drums Chris - Guitar Robert - Bass Jared - Vocals, Drums 3. RIPTIDE was...
There are multiple artists with the name Save: 1. A Russian metal band from Moscow (see description and bio below) 2. A French speedcore duo. 3. For the collaboration between Mutado Pintado and Marc Nguyen Tan (Closer), see Save!. --- 1. Save is a modern metal band with female growling vocals hailing from Moscow, Russia. The band released its first LP Зачем Тебе Жить (Zachem tebe jit' / What do you live for?) in 2004. It was a record mainly in the nu-metal genre. Its second LP - Мегаполис / Megapolis was released in 2007. This record has more death...
There are three artists using this name: (1) Based in Manchester U.K., The High were formed in 1989 by John Matthews and guitarist Andy Couzens. Couzens was a former member of The Stone Roses and played guitar on the tracks 'So Young & 'Tell Me'. Their debut album 'Somewhere Soon' was released in 1990 on London Records. Their first three singles 'Box Set Go', 'Take Your Time' & 'Up & Down' were also released in 1990. The song 'Up & Down' was actually written by Couzens while he was still in the Stone Roses. Their second album 'Hype' was released...
Epik High 是由两名Rapper和一名DJ组成的韩国当红Hip-Hop组合,迄今发行六张正规专辑,其中三四辑销量超过十万张。从他们出专辑的的时候开始,展开了与具有代表性的说唱音乐企划社的多样化的交流活动,说唱音乐团体们的视野被拉开了。凭借诗的表现形式,机智的表现及高超的作词能力,可以说是成为了一个得到广泛高评价的组合。组合的名字Epik high是沉醉在诗里的状态,或者是具有叙事诗似的伟大的意味的意思.像他们的名字一样,说唱的歌词很重视诗式的表现技法,抒情性及文学性。2001年成立的Epik high由两名Rapper和一名DJ组成.1980年出生的主唱Tablo是在Epik high创作的歌词中占有非常重要的作用的人物.他毕业于美国斯坦福大学英文学院,作词时利用诗的或其他的方式,力图向人们展现一种接近于文学方面的作词风格. 另一位是Mithra Jin 1983年出生,从高中时期开始就积极于说唱音乐活动,拥有很久的经历.而且DJ Tukutz是就读于东亚广播大学音像制作专业的组合成员,为自己显示出的设计实力感到自豪。在2009年初,三人成立属于自己的公司---mapthesoul.inc,发行了《Map the soul》和《[e]》两张专辑。2010年1月25日Epik High的独立品牌MapTheSoul决定与原公司Woollim合并,Tablo和Mithra 为7名成员的新男团Infinite准备出道专辑,而由于成员DJ Tukutz的服役,Epik High在发行特别专辑《Epilogue》后将会暂停至少两年的演艺事业。 Tablo 艺名:타블로(Tablo)   本名:이선웅 (Lee Sun Woong)   中文名:李先雄   英文名:Daniel Armand Lee   职责:队长,主唱,Rapper   生日:1980年7月22日   出生地:韩国   学历:斯坦福大学 文学硕士(满分成绩毕业)   配偶:姜惠贞(2009年10月27号结婚)   性格:浪漫主义   兴趣:欣赏音乐,看电影,阅读,음모론   特长:演唱爱情歌曲, 滑雪   理想情人 :이상형 -品行坚定端正的女人   未来愿望:B-Boy Gentleman, 创作歌曲 ,教书   喜欢的歌手:Marvin Gaye, Nas, Loveholic, Nell, Kim Tae Woo   喜欢的事情 :Hip-hop, rock, soul, light music, 自信,文学, 社交,梦想,艺术,聊天,草莓 绘画, 雨天, France New-wave Cinema, 自由, 做笔记, 蓝色, 利用黑人的兴趣作为号召(blaxpoitation), 单恋, 纽约, DJs, Battle, Freestyle(这几个和RAP有关)   不喜欢的事情:背叛l, MP3, 夏天, 意大利通心粉, 阻扰, 冷, 棒球l, 法律, 不搞笑的人   参与的专辑 :Kim Gun Mo 5th album "Myself"   Tablo 作为Epik High乐团的主唱,在韩国最先是以地下说唱乐团的身份开始的。   早期在美国的Tablo曾经参加了underground hip-hop组合4n Objects,他是唯一一个韩国成员。CB Mass and Drunken Tiger(韩国知名的underground组合)听过Tablo在4n Objects中的RAP,...
High Tone was formed in the year 1997 in the city of Lyon, France. The idea and leitmotiv of the musicians were to mix the traditional dub music with their others musical influences such as drum'n'bass, hip-hop or Oriental music. They also mixed up the instruments: using turntables and samples as well as the more traditional guitar, drums and bass-guitar. After a few self produced vinyl EPs -Bot Bud Seasons (1997) and Low Tone (1998)- High Tone signed at the label Jarring Effects. From this new collaboration came the first real album of the band -Opus Incertum (2000)- available both...
找到了 34 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:45:05
Far Horizons (from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim")
Secunda (from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim")
Awake (from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim")
Ferris Wheel (from "DELTARUNE")
Kyne's Peace (from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim")
Amusement Park (from "NieR:Automata")
Friends (from "Sonic Mania")
Bowser's Theme (from "Super Mario 64")
Ferris Wheel (from "DELTARUNE")
Secunda (from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim")
My Castle Town (from "DELTARUNE")
Kamisato Dance (from "Genshin Impact")
Before the Story (from "DELTARUNE")
Until Next Time (from "DELTARUNE")
Rito Village (Day)
Fist Bump (from "Sonic Forces")
Great Fairy Fountain
Ground Theme (from "Super Mario World")
Delfino Plaza (from "Super Mario Sunshine")
Title Theme (from "New Super Mario Bros. Wii")
Song of Storms
Yoshis on the Beach (from "Yoshi's Story")
Yoshi's Story (from "Yoshi's Story")
Zelda's Lullaby
Rito Village (Day)
Zelda's Lullaby