The Gris Gris | zh

成立时间:1975年 解散时间:1981年 国 籍:英国 风 格:实验音乐、工业摇滚 英国工业音乐的先锋,乐队反叛、好斗的风格使死亡、黑暗和法西斯主义在爆雷般的机械声中得以展示。他们反对旋律,支持强烈的节奏,崇尚恐怖主义。有人称呼他们为“文化海盗”——用发狂的热情实现自己的主张。 这支乐队的头目是主唱Genesis P-Orridge,他的情人Cosey Fanni Tutti是乐队吉他手,特效处理是Peter“Sleazy”Christopherson,键盘手是Chris Carter。Throbbing Gristle早期的现场表演,总是充满了委琐的话语和下流的动作,他们是在“嘲笑道德和法律”,更令人不解的是他们还在舞台上放置一个记时器,将表演时间死定在60分钟内,时间一到,他们就立刻将舞台的电源掐断。在乐队那次臭名昭著的首次公演上,主唱还用粘满血迹的棉花团和肮脏的尿布制作了一件艺术品陈列在了舞台上。 1976年乐队创建了自己的唱片品牌Industrial。同年公开发行了他们的第一张唱片《The Best of Throbbing Gristle, Vol. 2》。1977年的唱片《2nd Annual Report》仅制作了500张拷贝,后因歌迷的要求又重新再版。 1980年,P-Orridge和Christopherson组建了另外的一支乐队Psychic TV(没太长时间,Christopherson又离去组建了Coil)。Throbbing Gristle剩余的两位成员则继续他们的事业。 Throbbing Gristle乐队的影响范围很大,他们的很多单曲都很著名,如“United”、“Hamburger Lady”、“Death Threats” 等等。乐队虽然解散了,但因为他们在工业音乐方面的突出成就,乐队的影响力却一直没有减弱。80年代开始,乐队早期一系列的未发表作品相继被出版发行。 .
There are several bands or artists using the name Ambergris: 1. Rock band from the 70s with Jimmy Maelen as lead singer. 2. The musical project of comic artist Matthew Thurber. 3. An experimental, dissonant black metal duo from San Diego, California. .
Stockholm punks Grisen Skriker (The pig screams) was formed in the autumn 1978. They played live for the first time that year. The band made only two EP's in the year they existed but still managed to make a buzz on the swedish punk scene. The first EP is a swedish classic with songs like "Sextifem (Sixtyfive)" about getting old and the punk anthem "Ett tusen punks (1000 punks)". They played 52 gigs all in all before breaking up in august 1979. Most of their recorded songs are on the compilation "Grisen Skrikers 1:a & 2:a EP + 4 Låtar...
Originally from Los Angeles, California, pianist/composer Danny Grissett is a relatively new addition to the New York jazz scene. He started playing the piano at age five, and began studying classically when he turned six. Danny continued his classical training through high school and college, earning his B.A. in Music Education in 1998, while developing a love for jazz along the way. He further explored his love for jazz in graduate school, earning his M.F.A in Jazz Performance from Cal Arts in 2000, and completing studies at the prestigious Thelonious Monk Institute in 2001. There he studied with jazz masters...
Veteran mandolin virtuoso David Grisman has pioneered a music style he named “dawg:” a t(w)angy, innovative blend of swing, Latin, bluegrass, jazz and gypsy, influences drawn together through a long and varied career that has included playing as a session man with the likes of Bela Fleck, the Grateful Dead, Stephane Grappelli, Emmylou Harris, Bonnie Raitt, and Maria Muldaur. Uniqueness, independence and “home-made music” are important parts of Grisman’s career: a strong force for artist-owned labels, Grisman founded his record company, Acoustic Disc, in 1990 and has been particularly prolific in producing recordings since: 55 and counting, with 5 of...
找到了 56 歌曲, 持续时间: 04:45:36
The Gris Gris
The Gris Gris
The Gris Gris Girl (AAGWCD001)
Gris, Pt1 (from The GRIS Soundtrack)
La Gente Gris / The Grey People
Who Put The Gris Gris On Me?
Gettin' Out The Gris
Entre le boeuf et l'âne gris
The Grey Miracle (El milagro gris)
Le ruban gris (The Grey Ribbon)
11 The Gris Gris Girl
11. The Gris Gris Girl
Necessary Separation
Medication #4
Bajo El Cielo Gris (Under The Grey Sun)
Plain Vanilla
Year Zero
Ecks Em Eye
Down With Jesus
The Nonstop Tape
Winter Weather
Skin Mass Cat
Best Regards
Winter Weather
Necessary Separation
Necessary Separation
Cuerpos Haran Amor Extraño
Best Regards
Best Regards
Pickup Your Raygun
Medication #3
Mademoiselle of the Morning
For The Season
For the Season
Turn the Lights Down