Emily Kinney | zh

Emily Kinney (born August 15, 1985 in Nebraska, United States) is an American singer and actress. Emily began her acting career in 2007. She made multiple cameo and guest appearances on various programs, including 'Law & Order: SVU', 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent', 'The Big C' and 'The Good Wife'. In 2011, Emily Kinney joined the cast of AMC's 'The Walking Dead', as the recurring character Beth Greene. In 2013, she was promoted to main cast. Emily Kinney began her music career in 2011, by releasing the EP 'Blue Toothbrush'. She released her second EP, 'Expired Love' in 2013. .
There are multiple artists called Emily Davis 1. Currently on US Tour in support of her sophomore album "Dark Matter" released August 23, 2011. Emily Davis has been writing and playing music since the age of 15. She wrote and performed all lyrics and instruments, including drums & guitar, on her debut album "No Real Destination"(2010). 2. Emily Davis is a singer/songwriter from Adelaide, Australia .
Emily Sparks身为女性独立歌者,不论在音色的调配,旋律的编写上都有自己独到的见解。有人将她比喻为Mary Lou Lord的传人,但Emily Sparks的音乐流露出的是更梦幻的气质,更直接的情感传递。 身处美洲大陆,Emily Sparks的音乐却同时受到英美两地乐手的影响。用简单的吉他播弹时有Cat Power的影子,虽然Emily来得更为甜美。从第一首歌Just as well的slide吉他也可以看出Mojave 3,Mazzy Star这类梦幻乡野摇滚对她的影响。 第五首歌Cry for her的反馈电吉他,第七首歌 Day in Day out的迷幻电风琴会让人以为听到的是Spiritualized的女声民谣版。第八首歌Nothing I can say苦涩微甜的旋律仿佛又带我们回到了Belle & Sebastian最辉煌的时光。 Emily Sparks不加修饰的稚嫩嗓音就像多年不见的友人,迫不及待向你诉说旅途中望见的美好事物。发自内心,诚实相对,搭上变化多端的巧妙编曲,让这久违的深夜对谈来得更加丰盈踏实。而Emily Sparks也用实力告诉你, What Could Not Be Buried不只是另外一张还不错的女声民谣而已,她还能填满你更多的想象与期待。 "他的音乐所渗透出恒久孤独的情感,会让你想在房间里把自己裹着毛毯,反复的聆听他的音乐" .
Somewhere in the world between technicolored soul, southern blues and 60′s rock-n-roll, Austin, TX singer/songwriter, Emily Bell, has a debut disc that sonically fits on it’s own planet. From being raised by the flamboyant queens of musical theater, to being toughened up by the seasoned cats of R&B and taken under the wing of rock-n-roll; Bell’s large musical family has created an extremely original and compelling monster. With a voice that fits in the realm of her soulful British female counterparts, she backs it up with an energetic rock-n-soul vibe. While giving a nod to the great musical souls of...
emily ulman has established herself as one of melbournes finest singer-songwriters. emily is applauded for her lyrical honesty (ranging from moving and confessional, to humorous and self-deprecating), and the sheer beauty of her clear, distinctive vocal delivery. her albums and live performances have received critical acclaim including glowing reviews for her opening supports for beth orton, m ward, paul kelly, tim rogers, tex perkins, jolie holland, tim finn, and damien rice. one can't help but notice the immediacy and strength of emilys songwriting with her ability to move any audience. listening to emily play is like finding your heart between...