Krush | zh

DJ KRUSH,1962年在东京出生,本名石英明。上个世纪80年代初,他受到当时上映的美国街头文化电影《Wild Style》影响,开始涉足Hip hop。1987年,他与几名街头舞者、说唱人组成KRUSH POSSE,是最能代表当时日本实力的Hip hop团体,在各种各样的媒体上抛头露面。1992年9月团体解散后,DJ KRUSH开始集中精力在个人发展上,是日本第一位采用唱盘机表演的DJ,深受瞩目。1994年1月发行第一张大碟《KRUSH》。接下来,他以日本、欧洲、美国为中心在世界各地发行自己的作品。他的历年作品,如《KRUSH》(1994)、《Strictly Turntablized》(1994)、《未来MiLight》(1995)以及《觉醒KAKUSE》(1999)等都被日本《Morebetter》杂志选为日本十年Hip-Hop发展史中最具代表性的专辑。 DJ KRUSH是最早并最成功打入国际市场的日本Hip-Hop DJ/音乐人,是少数享誉欧美的亚洲DJ之一,以其巧妙融合实验派与音乐性Hip-Hop手法赢得英美乐评的一致赞赏。他的个人作品张张在国外榜上有名,1995年专辑《Mi-Light》更被美国权威独立乐评杂志《URB》选为上个世纪90年代50张最佳电音唱片之一;2001年的《渐ZEN》在美国有如一颗重磅炸弹,被视为电音的最高结晶,获得2001年有“独立乐坛GRAMMY奖”之称的AFIM Awards“最佳舞曲专辑”、URB杂志“2001最佳专辑”。 DJ KRUSH身兼制作人、混音师、DJ等多重身份,曾为许多音乐人制作混音,包括爵士大师Miles Davis、Herbie Hancock、近藤等则、乡村摇滚歌手K.d.Lang、说唱天皇Eminem、美梦成真成员Miwa、日本Hip-Rock乐队Dragon Ash等。此外他还从事电影、电视、广告等音乐制作,活跃的领域十分宽泛,还作为艺术家参加一些现场表演艺术活动。2004年,一部关于著名摄影师荒木经惟异色生活的记录片《Arakimentari》,就由DJ KRUSH担任电影配乐,该片在美国各地参加电影节,成为当地媒体热门话题,并在布鲁克林国际电影节上获得观众奖。 .
Krusht is the collaborative electronic music project of 23 year old Kaveh Arbab who grew up in Pittsburgh PA and now lives in Venice Beach, CA. .
Heavy/thrash metal band from Poland. Formed in 2002. At the beginning their music was inspired by classic heavy metal bands like Judas Priest, Annihilator, Black Sabbath etc. They recorded two demos and one single until early 2007. Then they changed their lead singer from Paweł Kluczewski to Klaudia Kozień. On January 12th, 2008 they release their firt full-length record Forward, which contains some former demo tunes but also brand new songs. Discography: Born to Krush - Demo 2003 Keep on Krushin' - Demo 2004 The Beast Within - Single 2005 Forward - Album 2008 Current Line-Up: Klaudia Kozień - vocals...
Krusha's musical career can be defined as a journey of sound; ever present on the cultural radar but under the level of mass adaptation. Heavily influenced by jungle/dnb, his sound has evolved over the years, ebbing and flowing between the commercial and obscure, yet always retaining a level of rave aesthetic that is undeniably a Krusha production. His productions have seen support from an ensemble of influential DJs, bloggers, and pundits and have been seen at the top of popular blog aggregate Hype Machine as well as BBC Radio 1's "Diplo and friends". Today, Krusha's production is exploring the sound...