FATO | zh

Member of the Hip Hop unit Creme fresh. .
在她十几岁, 法图马塔迪亚瓦拉搬到法国去追求演艺事业。 她出现在少数的电影,并与街道剧团工作,但真的找到了她通话后,当她拿起了吉他,并开始写歌。 出生在科特迪瓦和马里南部长大,迪亚瓦拉长大了听Wassoulou的音乐,那是想通过一些ethnomusiclogists是蓝色的主殖民前的祖先之一的歌曲风格。 该Wassoulou文化区域现在是三个国家之间的分裂,但它有一个向后延伸百年的历史,迪亚瓦拉合并那么长的时间,传统的历史,在她的首张专辑现代化,全球化的感受力。 迪亚瓦拉通过与AfroCubism,工作磨练她的表演和录音工艺乐团聚Rythmo ,和赫比汉考克 (其中包括),所以真的在这里的大步骤是记录了她自己的歌曲与她自己的安排。 她有一个感性的自然滑行到它的声音,有时让我想起了一个小萨德 。 不像很多她的同龄人,如乌穆桑加雷 ,功率是不是真的,她的风格的一部分-她保持她的歌声甚至和稳定,以配合她安排的催眠,骑自行车吉他部分。 这张专辑是悄悄地激烈,很少上升日常对话的音量以上。 迪亚瓦拉在唱她的家乡Wassoulou语言,但是理解歌曲的确切内容是没有必要的,享受它们。 有大量的信息在旋律和节奏,和创造性的音乐修养以及。 迪亚瓦拉锁定在与“Bissa”的暗流涌动恐怖背景下通过打谐波对她的吉他,而不是完整的和弦。 电引线似乎要飘起来了的模式; 多次在专辑的过程中,我发现自己陷入了一个流动的独唱,我什至没有注意到什么时候开始。 这是怎么整的记录工作。 有没有大张旗鼓,没有公布。 它只是围绕着你与它的大气层。 也正因为这样的一个最终欺骗性的专辑。 即使在其最示范的时刻,如打开“Bakonoba”中瑟瑟发抖主音吉他线,这是一个记录你可以吸收到并享受其超音速以及它的词曲创作。 “Bakonoba”是最强西非性格中的歌曲中,这吉他是它的一个重要组成部分-它是让人联想到马莲铅吉他手Djelimady或通卡拉康德éManfila的类型可能曾经定下的铁带。 否则,迪亚瓦拉是越来越多的音乐家致力于一种泛民间的声音,结合影响来自全国各地广泛的非裔西方文化的频谱之一。 这是可能的“世界音乐”的标签比任何高度本地化的一个更适合的方法听起来该标签的经常应用到。 .
**Sourced From calabashmusic.com** Fatou Guewel Diouf hails from a traditional griot family in Senegal, starting her career singing about the Mouride of Senegal, namely Cheikh Mohamadou Kara Mbacke. Fatou Guewel is currently Senegal's most popular female artist. Young, prolific and energetic, this is her international debut CD release. We have grown used to the Mande griotes from Mali and guinea over the last ten years or so. Senegalese women, however, have so far been more conspicuous by their absence. Fatou Guewel makes street mbalax, or traditional mbalax. The rhythm is provided by a simple xalam, keyboards and bass guitar, over...
1) Enrique Guzman Yanez (FATO) is one of the most important Latin American composers of recent times. Born in the state of Veracruz starts very early age to demonstrate their great maturity and his great musical talent, wrote his first song to the eleven years, starts to his career as a singer-songwriter. That is how come the years 80s, and that is when artists like Alberto Vazquez, Lupita D'alessio songs include him in their productions, emphasizing his versatility and lyrical music. 2) Brazilian grunge band. .
Imán Califato Independiente, or simply Imán, was Spanish band created in 1976 and which disbanded in 1986. The band had a very distinctive sound, containing a melting pot of music ranging from Hindu, Brazilian sounds, to symphonic rock, which has made them maintain a circle of loyal followers since their beginnings in Spain and other countries such as Japan or Mexico. .