Jesus Culture | zh

Jesus Culture began in the summer of 1999, when the youth group at Bethel Church in Redding, California, led by Banning Liebscher, launched the first Jesus Culture conference. During this time they began leading worship at Jesus Culture conferences both nationally and internationally and thus the Jesus Culture band was formed. The band consists of Kim Walker-Smith (Vocals) and Chris Quilala (Vocals and Guitar) as worship leaders along with Jeffrey Kunde (Lead Guitar), Brandon Aaronson (Bass), Ian McIntosh (Keys) and Josh Fisher (Drums). The ministry has been called "one of the most significant Christian movements in post-war America". They released... Hello, you turkeys. We are Young Jesus. We are Cody Kellogg (lead guitar), Peter Martin (drums), Shawn Nystrand (bass), and John Rossiter (guitar/vox). We can combine into one big, multi-limbed transformer type thing, but that's with a lot of duct tape and roughhousing. Though we love to roughhouse and jangle around, we love playing rock music more. We have self-released two EPs (Late Night Standards and Young, Innocent, and Hairy). We have a debut LP recorded and on the way. We hope our rock music is a reflection of some of the darkness that makes happiness so profound. We've...
Culture Club   风 格:Blue-Eyed Soul(灵魂乐) New Wave(新浪潮) Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚)   介 绍:   对现在的年轻人来说, 80年代似乎已经象石器年代那样遥远了。如果你知道80年代的流行音乐,那么这个CULTURE CLUB对你来说一定不陌生。主唱BOY GEORGE的特殊装扮更是当时少男少女群起效仿的榜样。该合唱团的第一首单DO YOU REALLY WANT TO HURN ME 于1980年出品,当时席卷英国和美国唱片市场。到1984年,这个CULTURE CLUB声名无人可及。但是名声和财富就象一弱酸,渐渐将这四个伙伴的友谊腐蚀了。1986年,在出了他们的第五张专辑之后,四人分道扬镳,不再来往。BOY GEORGE在这段时间里染上毒瘾,差点送了命,从此之后,这四个人的事业都失去了往日的辉煌。直到1998年,这四个人再次合作,出了这两张精选辑,它收集了80年代以来每一手每一首最负盛名的歌曲,另外还有三首新歌。这两张精选唱碟,第一张是80年原唱精选, 第二张则是CULTURE CLUB在电视上演唱现场录音。喜欢他们的听众可以回忆一下自己风华正茂的80年代。BOY GEORGE这样评论他们的重新携手:“我们终于长大了。”   组建时间: 1981年   解散时间: 1986年   国 籍:英国   专 辑:   VH1 Storytellers Greatest Hits、12' Collection Plus、Best Of、At Worst...Best Of、Waking Up With The House On Fi、Colour By Numbers、Kissing To Be Clever .
There are multiple bands with this name. 1. Jesus Wept, christian hardcore from Pennsylvania. xDisciplex AD played their final show at the 2004 Facedown Fest. Not too long after that incredible show, all of the members of xDx arose with a new band. That band is Jesus Wept. Both the music and the message of Jesus Wept are straightforward and honest. With 9 years of experience playing together in xDx, you can be assured that Jesus Wept will continue where xDx left off and will create some hard hitting music and lyrics. 2. Jesus Wept (formerly known as Deadmeat) is...
找到了 185 歌曲, 持续时间: 03:12:43
Freedom Is Coming
I Lift My Eyes
Spirit break out
Любовь в Имени Иисус
Танцуй Дух Святой во мне
Safe in your arms
Jesus Culture - Anointing (Live)
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Живой в Тебе- Alive in You (минус)
Show Me Your Glory
Танцуй (cover Dance Jesus Culture)
Miracle - задавка
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Яви Свою славу - Show Me Your Glory
unstoppable love
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Where You Go I Go (Remix)
Я иду туда, куда Ты идешь
In the river
Fire Never Sleeps
I've Found A Love
Fierce (Sons Of Thunder Remix) #TCBM
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06. Light of Your Face
Holy, Holy, Holy
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Here Is Love
Your Love Never Fails
Song of Solomon
Ты ждешь когда прийду я
Show me Your glory
Свобода (Jesus Culture cover)
You Are My Passion
Ты мой Бог
I am yours
See His Love
Light Of Your Face