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More than one artist has used the name Satisfaction. Satisfaction (1) is an indie-rock quartet from Southern California formed in 2004. Satisfaction (2) was an English psychedelic jazz-rock band that released a self-titled album in 1971. Satisfaction (1) is made up of vocalist/guitarist/songwriter Mike Rosas, keyboardist Matthew Fletcher, bassist Aaron Wahlman, and drummer James Fletcher. Rosas and the two Fletchers played together as Smile before recruiting Wahlman and changing the band's name to Satisfaction. They still perform a few songs from the old Smile repertoire. Satisfaction is currently unsigned. They released "For Men and Women", a four-song demo EP of...
Chisato is the renowned guitarist for the visual kei band PENICILLIN. He begun his solo career in the late 90's with the album ORGANIC GROOVER. Very few copies of this album were released, but Chisato continued his career, producing another album CYBERSOUL PAVILLION. He also has a few live CDs, but sadly most of his albums are out of production. Chisato's sound is unique and interesting. He gravitates to similar guitar sound as in PENICILLIN, but his deeper vocals and electronica stylings make his albums much different from those of his successful band. .
Often unjustly tagged as 80s new-wave-wannabes because of the analog synthesizers that weave through their songs, Satisfact is really more of a fully modern post-punk band that has earned its chops from dwelling in the space-rock stratosphere. The music produced by Satisfact was brilliantly preoccupied with the pervasiveness and alienating character of technology and modernity. But whenever the hypnotic keyboards and robotic blips and squeaks seem on the verge of carrying the music away, scratchy punk guitars dripping with feedback reassert themselves, joined by a fierce, precise rhythm section and sometimes even cello and violin. They released three albums on...
Satyricon is a Norwegian black metal band. The band credits their first album, Dark Medieval Times, with starting a black metal sub-genre of dubbed "medieval metal." The album showed off the fascination Satyricon had with the Middle Ages, along with the raw black metal with blastbeats produced by Frost mixed with acoustic guitar and flute. On the next album The Shadowthrone this medieval spirit was preserved. Regarding one of their latest albums, Volcano, the frontman of the band, Satyr, stated in a press release/biography, published on their homepage, that "the music is rock based but more extreme; it is black...
吉他英雄Joe Satriani于1956年出生于纽约长岛,但他正式的吉他表演则是开始于八十年代的旧金山音乐大厅。他也是众多吉他大师们的导师,象著名的Kirk Hammett (Metallica), Larry LaLonde (Primus)以及Steve Vai都曾受到他的指导。 在1984年Joe Satriani还未与任何的唱片公司签约时,他自己发行了第一张专辑。1986年在与Realivity唱片签约之后,首张正式专辑《Not Of This Earth》发行,这是一张完全个人作品,Joe Satriani用自己玄妙和精熟的吉他技巧融合重金属的表现方式为一代年轻吉他手们展示了另一片吉他天空。1987年,专辑《Surfing With The Alien》发行并且一举杀入专辑排行榜的前40,这张纯器乐演奏的专辑让Joe Satriani的名气陡增。Joe Satriani也由此被看作“吉他手中的吉他手”--他用自己创新的风格和娴熟的指法影响了众多的业余和职业吉他手们。 1988年的Joe Satriani与传奇贝司手Stu Hamm合作的微型专辑《Dreaming》位列专辑排行榜的第11位。1989年专辑《Flying in a Blue Dream》加入了歌唱成分。 1992年的专辑《The Extremist》之后是一张双CD精选集辑《Time Machine》。1995年的同名专辑《Joe Satriani》是在著名的金属音乐制作人Glyn Johns指导下完成的。之后经过一年筹备,由Joe Satriani、Steve Vai 和 Eric Johnson 组成的九十年代摇滚乐坛的最强吉他阵容G3乐队开始在北美洲巡演。 这场历时24天的吉他盛会使得铁杆摇滚乐迷欣喜若狂。之后G3推出《G3 Live In Concert》专辑和录像带,刚一面市就被抢购一空。1997年5月G3 远征欧洲,6月又回师北美,吉他巫师的神话在一场场激动人心的吉他演奏中延续。之后Joe Satriani相继发行了专辑《Crystal Planet》以及《Engines Of Creation》。 在吉他英雄与超级明星的光环中生活多年的Joe Satriani将他的许多梦想变成了现实,他所取得的成就对于大多数吉它手来说,就足以让他们幸福一辈子了. .