Luna Parker | zh

LUNA SEA(月之海),日本搖滾樂隊。在1989年成立,於2000年宣布解散。樂隊的名字LUNA SEA是「月和海」的意思(LUNA是拉丁語,SEA是英語)。這個名字是由“LUNACY”演變而成的。 “LUNACY”含有發瘋的意思,代表他們把視野放得更寬更遠不被束縛。LUNA SEA的出現是由“LUNACY”的「CY」變更為同音的SEA,而這變更是由成員J提議的。到2000年,發售的一專輯採用回舊名的“LUNACY”。 RYUICHI(河村隆一):主唱 SUGIZO (杉原有音):吉他手及小提琴手 INORAN(井上清信):吉他手 J(小野瀨潤):貝斯手 真矢(山田真矢):鼓手 除了初期的作品,全部成員一手包辦作詞與作曲。在LUNA SEA裡沒有隊長,一位成員提出建議再由其他四人決定用不用。從70年代的前衛搖滾到80年代的哥德搖滾與新浪潮風格,LUNA SEA不斷的變化並且發展出獨到的音樂風格。 .
A prolific jazz guitarist, Jeff Parker freelances in jazz and all its contemporary extracts mostly within the greater Chicago area. Noted for his smoothness and intensely influenced improvisational skills, Parker has had success with a number of groups, including the internationally praised avant-garde group Tortoise. Jeff Parker still resides in Chicago and can be found in almost every corner of the Chicago music scene. Jeff Parker links: Official website Thrill Jockey page .
“大鸟”   1920年出生的Charlie Parker是爵士史上最伟大的中音萨克斯风手,更是爵士史上最才气纵横的萨克斯风手,绰号Bird的Charlie Parker也是对整个爵士乐发展造成决定性影响的乐手。在他担任领班期间,旗下更包括了年轻的Miles Davis等众多后来的大师乐手,在咆勃爵士乐史上他与钢琴手Bud Powell、小号手Dizzy Gillespie三人被公认为咆勃爵士的领导先驱。Charlie Parker的吹奏技巧无与伦比,无论在小编制当中的引领乐句转折,或是在堪萨斯市Big Band俱乐部里光芒四射的独奏桥段,不管Parker再怎么吸毒、饮酒狂欢、放纵声色,只要他含起萨克斯风吹口,吹奏出的每一段旋律都是空前绝后般地惊才绝豔。与小号手Dizzy Gillespie并肩齐步飙奏时,节奏速度彷佛达到非人的「魔鬼」境界。将精力与天赋同时放在毒品的火焰中两头燃烧的Parker死时才卅五岁,医生检验他的身体时却觉得像是六十五岁的苍老躯体。他的影响无远弗届,Miles Davis晚年曾说:「如果没有Parker,今天的爵士乐听起来将完全不同。」,诚如其言。 .
There is more than one artist associated with the name Aluna. 1. Aluna is the solo recording project of multi instrumentalist Paul Roberts. The word "aluna" is from the Kogi people of Colombia and Peru. It is to describe both the trance state of mind and the spirit world. Ancient cultures have always been aware that maintaining a healthy connection with the "aluna" or listening to nature within is essential for wellbeing and often survival. The music is a mixture of nature recordings and various traditional music from around the world blended with hypnotic beats, synths and live instruments. The...
Lunachicks were an all-women Rock band from New York City. The band formed in 1987 and has been on hiatus since 2000. Their music was described as "a frenzied mix of punk, metal, pop and rock". The band claimed influences including The Ramones, Kiss, and the MC5. .
找到了 13 歌曲, 持续时间: 47:40
Tes Etats D'âme Eric
Tes Etats D'Ame...Eric (Maxi 1986)
Tes états d'âme eric
Tes Etats D Ame Eric
Tes etats d'ame eric (1986)
Good Evening luna
Tango De La Luna
Luna ft. rpgstar (prod. Brandon Catelli)
Leave My Casos In Laos (To Luna 1971)