Dustin Evans | zh

Dan Chandler – Vocals Parker Lauzon – Guitar V – Guitar Joe Pitter – Bass Evans Blue is currently in the studio with long-time producer Trevor Kustiak, putting the finishing touches on their much-anticipated fourth album GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES, coming April 17th from Sounds+Sights. The first single “This Time It’s Different” is climbing the charts at active rock and alternative radio and promises to deliver on its title. Evans Blue has closed the third chapter, and with album four, the band is ready to start a brand new trilogy with a new attitude to match. Dan Chandler elaborates, “With the...
Dustin the Turkey is a popular character on the RTE children's programme, The Den, since the 1980s. He has lasted for so long as he appeals to both children and adults. He makes appearances outside of The Den, including an annual appearance on The Late Late Show Toy Show special at Christmas where he makes fun of the show's regular host Pat Kenny, as he did with the previous host, Gay Byrne. More recently he has turned his attention to other Irish television personalities, such as Eddie Hobbs, Ryan Tubridy and Derek Mooney. A surprisingly provocative character, while he has...
Bill Evans(1929-1980) Bill Evans爵士乐上最优秀的钢琴家之一,与Keith Jarrett一起被誉为70-80年代字优秀的钢琴家。 活跃年份: 50s 60s 70s 80s 主要演奏乐器:钢琴 演出相关工作:指挥 主要音乐风格:后波普爵士乐、冷爵士乐 1929年8月16曰生于美国新泽西州的普兰菲尔德。比尔.伊文思从小受过良好的钢琴教育,进入美国西南部的路易斯安那大学后.曾与曼德尔·洛和雷德·米切尔一起从事音乐活动。大学毕业后.比尔.伊文思应征人伍。1956年首次在纽约舞台上与托尼·斯科特一起搞出,同年录制了自己的首张唱片《爵士乐新概念》。 1957年,他与乔洽.拉富尔、查理·明各斯的合作.对曰后的发展产生了积极的影响。1958年,比尔·伊文思加盟着名的迈尔斯·戴维斯六重奏乐队.并全身心地投入到与迈尔斯,戴维斯乐队的合作中。《绿中的蓝》和《德比的华尔兹》都是他这一时期演奏的经典乐曲并成为排行榜上的热门曲。评论界曾毫不夸张地说:“他对爵士乐发展的贡献在某种程度上就是建立起未来爵士乐钢琴演奏家的标准。”1959年,比尔.伊文思开始指挥自己的三重奏小组,他们相映成趣的演奏.对后来的音乐家具有极 其深远的影响。1962年,伊文思与查克.伊富瑞合作录制了一张经典唱片。此后,又为多家唱片公司录制了许多优秀作品,其中为河岸唱片公司、神韵唱片公司、范泰西唱片公司和华纳唱片公司录制的专辑最为着名。1980年9月l5曰,伊文思在纽约州纽约市去世,年仅59岁。 Bill Evans 经典专辑 : The Complete Riverside Recordings(1956~1963) Waltz For Debby (1958) Undercurrent (1959) Sunday at the Village Vanguard (1961) Conversation with myself (1963) Paris(1965) Eves at Town Hall (1966) Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz with Bill Evans (1978年) Paris Concert,Edition One(1979) .
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If I Die Before You Wake