Vaï Roots Foundation | zh

FEST VAINQUEUR is a Japanese visual kei band formed in Osaka, Japan in 2010/10/27. The originial lineup consisted of the same members from SINCREA, which was formed in June 2005 and disbanded in 2010/03/28. On 2012/05/20 guitarist TOMO departed from the band due to musical differences. Support guitarists I'LL and GAKU officially joined HAL, HIRO, and KAZI in 2012/07/14. Members: Vocal: HAL Guitar: GAKU Guitar: I'LL Bass: HIRO Drums: KAZI Former Member: Guitar: TOMO Discography: (2016.04.27) ベストばんくーる (BEST VAINQUEUR) (Best Album) (2015.09.23) GLORIA ~栄光のキズナ~ (8th single) (2015.05.27) シャンバラ (2nd Full Album) (2015.02.25) ペルソナ傷女 (7th Single) (2014.07.30) ヴァレンシアとヴァージニア (6th Single) (2014.05.07)...
他是后达达主义乐派frank zappa的主奏吉他手。他是名吉他手joe satriani的爱徒。他待过重摇滚whitesnake和david lee roth等乐队。。。他是-steve vai! 1960年出生於纽约长岛的吉他英雄steve vai自13岁起便以吉他手的身份自组乐团,并受到恩师joe satriani的提携与指导。由於天赋异禀,加上後来他至著名的柏克莱音乐学院学习爵士乐和古典乐,使得当时年纪轻轻的他就拥有令人惊叹的高超技巧。早在steve18岁时就受早期的前卫摇滚大师frink zappa赏识,成为该团的吉他手。 1985年接 替yngwie malmsteen成为alcatrazz乐团之吉他手。1986年又为前van halen主唱david lee roth担任吉他手、1989年加入whitesnake协助完成"slip of the tongue"专辑…总总音乐历程,让他在自已个人专辑中常展现各种不同的音乐类型。 虽然在steve vai的个人专辑中多以硬式摇滚、重金属曲风为主,但仔细聆听,会发现其中多包含爵士、放克、古典等…多种感觉与味道。而除了音乐性外,steve在吉他技术上更可奉为当代吉他手的规臬与典范。由日本"young guitar"杂志每年的吉他手票选,前三名中必有一名为steve vai。弹奏技巧上无论"速弹"、"点弦"、至"都已达到如火纯青的地步。特殊的"抖音"技巧与独出一格的吉他音色更突显他的个人风格。 在他的个人专辑中,几乎每张的风格都不太一样。有些专辑中收录的歌曲,是属於比较实验性的作品,初次接受可能有人会不太习惯。但由此证明steve vai是个勇於创新的人,不断向新的曲风、尝试迈进。 .
Roots Manuva, born Rodney Smith is a British hip-hop artist, who mixes hip hop with reggae and dub as well as electronica, and even some gospel. He grew up around Stockwell in South London. His parents were from a small village in Jamaica called Banana Hole where his father was a preacher and tailor. Spending much of his early years in poverty, this and his strict Pentecostal upbringing clearly had an influence on his music as can be seen in many of his tracks such as "Sinny Sin Sins" and "Colossal Insight". Smith made his recorded debut in 1994 as...
There are 2 groups with the name Roots. 1) Roots were a short-lived band comprising Barney Rachabane (alto), Dennis Mpale (trumpet), Duke Makasi (tenor), Sipho Gumede (bass), Peter Morake (drums) and Jabu Nkosi (organ). Replace Jabu Nkosi with Abdullah Ibrahim, add Basil Coetzee on sax and you have the group that recorded the seminal African Herbs LP under the direction of Abdullah Ibrahim. Roots are often cited as a key strand in the development of an indigenous afro jazz sound that links the Drive, the Pelican Club house band under Dick Khoza, Spirits Rejoice and later Sakhile. The liner notes...
vail is the alias of Nathan "Nate" Gudmunson, a web developer and video game music remixer from the OverClocked ReMix community. .
找到了 2 歌曲, 持续时间: 08:52
V.A.I.L.L.A.N.T. Feat Roots Foundation
Street Life (Remix)