164 feat. GUMI | zh

There are two artists that have used the name Memphis May Fire: 1) A rock band from Dallas, Texas. 2) A heavy metal band from Baltimore, Maryland. Memphis May Fire is an American metalcore band currently based in Dallas, Texas. Since its formation, the band has released two EPs and four full-length albums, the latest being Unconditional which was released March 2014. Their music has been compared to Underoath and He Is Legend. The band formed in December 2006, but it was not until February 2007 that the group decided on the name Memphis May Fire having previously gone by...
二次元歌姬   使用YAMAHA的语音合成引擎VOCALOID 2,曾推出以Gackt为音源的声音合成软件“GACKPOID”的SSW Internet公司推出了Vocaloid衍生软体“GACKPOID”软体系列第2弹“Megpoid”,由自《Macross F》出道的中岛爱来担任担当声音录制工作,且由《机动警察》、《究极超人R》与《铁腕女警BIRDY》原作漫画家结城正美担任人物设计。与以“初音ミク”“巡音ルカ”而闻名的CRYPTON(角色主唱系列)不同,SSW Internet的产品着重于“重现真实歌手的歌声”。   “Megpoid”已在2009年6月26日正式发售,售价15750日元。擅长的BPM:: 60BPM~175BPM   擅长的音域 : F2~A4   一般称呼其为MEGPOID(メグッポイド)\GUMI(グミ)。 目前GUMI的标准设定是及肩的翠绿色卷发,头上戴红色护镜,身穿一套暖色系的颇有未来感的衣服,腰间扎绿色皮带。可惜结城正美量产型的人设实在不算出彩,更被网友批为“苍蝇”……   从官方设定图看GUMI似乎是个很喜欢做各种各样手势的少女?   代表物是萝卜。 .
Megumi Toyoguchi (豊口めぐみ, Toyoguchi Megumi?) is a seiyū, or voice actor, born on January 2, 1978 in Machida, Tokyo, Japan. She is employed by the talent management firm 81 Produce. .
找到了 179 歌曲, 持续时间: 11:42:58
Nightmare bringer
Outsider no Doukei
Toorisugari no Dare ka
shiningray (Qusic ver)
カランと鳴く | Karan to Naku
World End Heaven
無花果 | Ichijiku
164 feat.Gumi
Ama no Jaku
Apathy Syndrome
Delusion Boy and Small World
Matataite wa Kiete Iku
Mukanshin Syndrome
掌中の珠 | Shouchuu no Tama
Delusion Boy and Small World
Shouchuu no Tama
A Born Coward
Twinkle and Fade
Poison Love
Kyosha No Koshin
嫌われ者の詩 | Kirawaremono no Uta
Rainy Melody
GALAXY (Under my identity)