Matthew Puckett | zh

Matthew Koma (born on June 2, 1987) is an American musician, producer, and singer-songwriter. Originally from Brooklyn before being raised in Long Island, New York, Koma started writing music at the age of nine and achieved his first publishing deal at the age of 16, being strongly inspired by introspective rockers Elvis Costello and Bruce Springsteen. He's been musically versatile, working in a mixture of genres that range from electropop to hip-hop to classic-sounding rock. In terms of his own work under his own name, he broke out in 2013 with the upbeat party tune "One Night". His first collaboration...
Matthew Sweet (born October 6, 1964) is a power pop musician from Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. He was part of the burgeoning Athens, Georgia music scene in the early and mid-1980s before gaining commercial success during the early 1990s. As a young musician wanting to make a name for himself, Sweet set off to Athens, Georgia in the mid '80s, to attend college and join the vibrant Athens music scene, most famous as the home base for R.E.M. and The B-52's. Sweet worked with R.E.M. leader Michael Stipe at this time, joining Stipe's sister in a band called Oh-OK and...
GARY PUCKETT and the UNION GAP was one of the most successful musical groups of the sixties. Gary's unmistakable signature voice garnered six consecutive gold records and top ten Billboard hits with the following titles: "YOUNG GIRL" "WOMAN WOMAN" "LADY WILLPOWER" "OVER YOU" "THIS GIRL IS A WOMAN NOW" "KEEP THE CUSTOMER SATISFIED" "DON'T GIVE IN TO HIM" "HOME" GARY PUCKETT has performed on more than thirty network television shows and prime time specials during his career, even adding a command performance for the President and Prince Charles at the White House. The Union Gap disbanded in the seventies. In...
Dave Matthews是上世纪九十年代之后美国涌现出的极具实力的新一代摇滚乐男歌手,在90年代之后的美国摇滚乐界具有重要的地位。1967年1月9日,Dave Matthews出生在南非的约翰内斯堡。1991年他在美国弗吉尼亚州招揽了Stefan Lessard,Leroi Moore,Boyd Tinsley和Carter Beauford这几个人,组建了自己的乐队the Dave Matthews Band。起初Dave Matthews和他的这支乐队并不为人所知,但是通过在美国大学校园内的一系列的巡回演唱会,乐队和Dave Matthews本人的知名度一步步地扩大,并且初步拥有了一些固定歌迷的支持。1993年,乐队在美国各地的巡回演唱会结下了果实,他们独立发行了一张现场专辑《Remember Two Things》。随后他们就引起了一些大的主流唱片公司的注意,RCA唱片公司最终和他们签约。 1994年秋天,Dave Matthews和他的乐队的第一张录音室专辑《Under the Table & Dreaming》正式发行,并且在第二年成为了白金专辑,到了1997年10月,已经被美国唱片工业协会(RIAA)认证为五白金专辑了,而现在它的销量早已突破600万张了。1996年4月,the Dave Matthews Band发行了第二张录音室专辑《Crash》。这张专辑打入了Billboard排行榜的前三名,并且在随后乐队的巡回演唱会的推动下,这张专辑的销量节节攀升,销量突破200万张。同时Dave Matthews本人还致力于一项和联邦政府一起打击走私的活动,这一活动为他赢得了更大的支持,这项活动也取得了重大的成果,几乎把美国国内的地下走私公司及其销售系统等地下走私产业连锅端掉。而专辑《Crash》的销量也令人惊奇,超过了《Under the Table & Dreaming》,至今已达到将近800万张。在参与公益活动的同时,the Dave Matthews Band乐队还发行了一张双CD的现场专辑《Live at Red Rocks 8-15-9》,也许是由于公益活动所带来的无形价值影响,这张很普通的现场专辑居然也进入了排行榜三甲,并且在很短时间内就成为了白金唱片。 前几张专辑的成功和演唱会的影响力,使the Dave Matthews Band于1998年发行的专辑《Before These Crowded Streets》和1999年的现场专辑《Live at Luther College》获得了不同程度的高销量。之后又在2001年和2002年在著名制作人Glen Ballard的协助之下,录制并发行了第四和第五张录音室专辑《Everyday》和《Busted Stuff》以及三张现场专辑,单曲《When The World Ends》还入选了电影《黑客帝国2》的原声大碟。随后的日子里,Dave Matthews致力于自己个人专辑的制作,2003年9月23日,Dave Matthews的第一张个人专辑《Some Devil》终于发行。经过一轮巡演之后,2004年6月29日,Dave Matthews Band又发行了现场专辑《The Gorge》。 在1996年度第39届格莱美奖中,Dave Matthews的乐队凭借专辑《Crash》中的单曲《So Much To Say》获得了最佳摇滚组合奖。2004年2月初,在2003年度第46届格莱美颁奖典礼上,凭借个人专辑《Some Devil》中单曲《Gravedigger》,Dave Matthews在Bob Dylan,David Bowie,Tom Waits,Lenny Kravitz等摇滚前辈的夹击中获得了最佳摇滚男歌手奖。 2005年,Dave Matthews的乐队发行了第六张录音室专辑《Stand Up》。 .
Iain Matthews (and from the late 1960s until 1989 known as Ian Matthews) is an English musician and songwriter. A member of Fairport Convention during their early period, Ian Matthews had a successful solo career and fronted the bands Plainsong and Matthews' Southern Comfort. He was born Iain Matthew McDonald, 16 June 1946, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. Influenced by both rock and roll and folk music, he has performed mainly as a solo act, although he was a member of Fairport Convention during the early period when they were heavily influenced by American West Coast folk rock. He later had a...