JAHSIAH The Celestial Roots | zh

Roots Manuva, born Rodney Smith is a British hip-hop artist, who mixes hip hop with reggae and dub as well as electronica, and even some gospel. He grew up around Stockwell in South London. His parents were from a small village in Jamaica called Banana Hole where his father was a preacher and tailor. Spending much of his early years in poverty, this and his strict Pentecostal upbringing clearly had an influence on his music as can be seen in many of his tracks such as "Sinny Sin Sins" and "Colossal Insight". Smith made his recorded debut in 1994 as...
There are 2 groups with the name Roots. 1) Roots were a short-lived band comprising Barney Rachabane (alto), Dennis Mpale (trumpet), Duke Makasi (tenor), Sipho Gumede (bass), Peter Morake (drums) and Jabu Nkosi (organ). Replace Jabu Nkosi with Abdullah Ibrahim, add Basil Coetzee on sax and you have the group that recorded the seminal African Herbs LP under the direction of Abdullah Ibrahim. Roots are often cited as a key strand in the development of an indigenous afro jazz sound that links the Drive, the Pelican Club house band under Dick Khoza, Spirits Rejoice and later Sakhile. The liner notes...
Celestial is a Chillout Project by Peter Milward based with Asian Influences from China,Nepal,Tibet and others.Is an exelent recomendation for fans of Enigma and Deep Forest. The name Celestial belongs to several different bands/artists. Celestial is the work of Andreas Hagman from Örebro, Sweden. He plays shoegaze/indiepop with jangly guitars, sweet melodies and soft vocals. Celestial (Aus) were a now-defunct thrash/death metal band from Sydney, Australia. The band was formed from ex-members of several NSW heavy metal bands, and released one demo CD before the lineup fractured. Celestial was also a finnish power metal band formed in 1998, but later...
美国费城嘻哈团体The Roots(也被称为The Legendary Roots Crew, The Fifth Dynasty, The Square Roots和The Foundation)是个非常有影响力的,获得过格莱美奖的费城另类嘻哈团体。以浓浓的爵士风味和现场乐队演奏闻名。The Roots曾受到了“嘻哈乐队”先驱Stetsasonic的影响,并也影响了日后无数的Hip-Hop和R&B艺人。 乐队成员 The Roots最初的成员只有绰号为Black Thought的说唱歌手Tariq Trotter和绰号为?uestlove的鼓手Ahmir Thompson,他俩在费城高中的时候是同学并且经常一起表演。当他们开始在学校和街头正式演出的时候,新加入了一个贝斯手,绰号为The Rubberband的Josh Abrams,后来又加了一个MC叫Malik Abdul Basit-Smart(绰号Malik B),一个贝斯手Leonard Nelson Hubbard以及一个键盘手Scott Storch。在他们的第一张专辑《Organix》里还有一个MC名为Kid Crumbs,不过之后他就离开了这个组合。然后由另一个说唱歌手Dice Raw取而代之。在他们的第二张专辑《Do You Want More?!!!??!》完成后,Scott Storch也离开了,并成为了日后著名的制作人。不过Storch直到现在还为Roots制作歌曲,Scott走后他们找来了Kamal Gray来替代Storch的键盘手的位置。 在1995年,beatbox好手Rahzel加入了进来,最后他在2003年离开组合。在他们的现场演唱会上Rahzel负责打碟。而Malik B因为吸毒的原因在99年也离开了,但在之后的专辑里也有过客串制作。电吉他手Ben Kenney虽然只在队里待了很短时间就走了,但也在《Phrenology》里也曾做过贡献。打击乐器手F. Knuckles在2002年加入,电吉他手Kirk Douglas(绰号Captain Kirk)代替了Kenney的位置。歌手Martin Luther在03年和04年加入了Roots一起巡演,在《The Tipping Point》里出过力。2007年8月,组合宣布贝斯手Leonard Hubbard离队。 而现在The Roots的成员包括:Black Thought (MC), ?uestlove (鼓手), Reek Geez(MC),Kamal Gray (电子键盘手), F. Knuckles (打击乐手), Captain Kirk (guitar),Tuba Gooding Jr.(低音喇叭手)和Owen Biddle(贝斯手) www.u-dig.cn The Roots的所有的成员都保护动物组织成员并且都是素食主义者。 乐队历史 1987年,以极富创造性和行为艺术而闻名的费城高中,开学第二天。一个叫Ahmir Thompson的学生走进了校长的办公室,为的是获得外出午餐的许可。与此同时,一个名叫Tariq Trotter的一年级新生,被学校的保安领着,跌跌撞撞走进校长办公室,他被发现在女厕所与一名芭蕾舞学生进行“课余活动”。    幸运的是,Thompson计划的不只是午餐,而Trotter的兴趣远比女人要广泛的多。Thompson是一个爵士鼓手,Trotter是一个MC,于是他们决定在一起做音乐。他们买不起唱盘,麦克风,DJ设备。但是,他们暗自庆幸,因为他们穷困的状态,他们的音乐没有充满造就了嘻哈和摇滚的有生于无的传统精神。这样,Trotter写的调调在Thompson租来的鼓上响起。最终,他们称自己为the Square Roots,Thompson取名为“?uestlove”,而Trotter的昵称则为Black Thought。    1989年,情人节。The Square Roots的首次处女演出,竟然是当着同学Boyz II Men的面。?uestlove回忆往事并说道:这个R&B组合耍阴的,他们表演了New Edition的歌,并且模仿了他们金光闪闪的穿着打扮。风头盖过了我们。但这种事情经常发生。    费城南大街。如果你不知道费城南大街,那么想一想曼哈顿的Greenwich Village,或者旧金山的Haight Ashbury。民主色彩浓郁的波西米亚艺术就这样充满了整条大街,而在大街的拐角处就是?uestlove和Black Thought演出的地方。某一日,夜店的老板相中了他们,并给了他们室内表演的机会。 www.u-dig.cn    1991年,Black Thought到费城外的Millersville大学继续他的学业。当他不停坐在教室里幻想着“5万多名歌迷在台下为他们欢呼”的场景的间隙,他结识了同学,会饶舌的Malik B,贝斯手Leonard "Hub" Hubbard,并且他们也加入了乐队,随后新The Roots成立了。 1993 - 《Organix》 1987年这个团体在费城形成了最初的阵容。他们开始在费城表演,92、93年的时候便开始在欧洲表演。他们在伦敦租了一个公寓,在欧洲进行了大约一年的演出。为了支撑财政支出,他们通过印度唱片公司Remedy发行了首张专辑《Organix》,并在演唱会现场销售。这张专辑卖出了150,000张。《Organix》发行后,有个主流厂牌便想跟他们签约,最后他们签了DGC唱片公司。同时他们也回到了美国,结束了欧洲巡演。 1995 - 《Do You Want...
also check „Monte Laa Productions“ … !!! Shanti Roots Since the mid-nineties, Markus Dohelsky AKA Shanti Roots, has been a fixture in the Viennese Dub and electronic scene. His first album "Subcodex", successfully united Dub, Downtempo and Drum 'n Bass music and featured the classic Headz track, "Holy Smoke". In 2002, Markus followed with the internationally successful 12" "Afrique", released on Vienna Scientists. The track was described as "a true floor-rocker manifesto" with support provided by Scheibosan, who adds an extra portion of Funk into the mix. Several Shanti Roots tracks have followed on various albums, including the well-known Ecco...
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