The Pussy Cat Dolls ( Thái Hoàng Remix) | zh

风格: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock(成人另类流行/摇滚) Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) Hard Rock(硬摇滚) Post-Grunge(后车库) 1985年主唱兼吉他手John Rzeznik与玩重金属乐的表哥Robby Takac找来前鼓手George Tutuska,于美国纽约州水牛城组成了三人摇滚团体Goo Goo Dolls。成军15年以来发行过6张专辑,虽然前4年的摸索期所发行的两张专辑并未让他们尝到成名的滋味,却使得Goo Goo Dolls那种多元流行的摇滚乐风在乐坛中留下良好的印象,而1991年的第三张专辑《Hold Me Up》终于让他们渐露头角,在摇滚乐领域内小有名气。接着主唱兼吉他手并且负责词曲创作的John Rzeznik力图改变风格,于1993年发行了第四张专辑《Superstar Carwash》,风评与销售却地狱般的糟糕。遭受天大打击的Goo Goo Dolls重新思考在1995年推出反省作《A Boy Named Goo》,才扳回一成赢得许多摇滚电台的高度播放与支持。但随着成功而来的不是喜悦却是冲突与痛苦,首先因为前鼓手George Tutuska个人兼差太多而被两兄弟开除,虽然新的鼓手Mike Malinin很快地就为乐团代来心的音乐生命力,可是跟随成功而来的压力,使得George Tutuska写作的灵感窒碍不前。 此时所幸电影《City Of Angels》邀请他们为其原声带写作歌曲,这才解决了他们事业的危机。所谱写演唱的《Iris》一曲,不仅为他们赢得1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖"年度唱片""最佳流行演唱团体""年度歌曲"等三项大奖提名,将Goo Goo Dolls的乐坛声望与作品销售数字提携至顶端外,《Iris》一曲的制作人也是《Dizzy Up The Girl》此专辑的制作Rob Cavallo更以此获得"年度最佳制作"大奖。 对于自1987年便已发表其首张同名专辑的Goo Goo Dolls而言,《Dizzy Up The Gril》其实已是Goo Goo Doll的第六张专辑,但却是他们于1996年以《A Boy Named Goo》专辑(首次在主流乐坛绽放光芒之后,令人期待近三年之久后于98年9月发行的首张全新专辑。Goo Goo Dolls在此辑中的表现,很明显地又比前作成熟进步不少,圆融地将各种不同性格--强硬中带着温柔、侵略中又带有技巧,毫无间隙地凝聚成一首首精彩之作。因此,你可以在辑中同时听到铿锵有力的吉他节奏与悠扬的小提琴旋律共存的抒情曲《Black Balloon》、活泼有力的流行曲《January Friend》,以及充满爆发力又不失优雅的摇滚曲《Bullet Proof》。此辑不仅已在美国创下首批销售达50万张金唱片纪录,发行至今亦已累积销售近2百万张。 .
C’est au sein d’un groupe féminin “Les Petites Souris” que l’on découvre en 1964 l’intrépide Evelyne Courtois avant d’adopter quelques mois plus tard le pseudonyme de Pussy Cat, évocateur du thème générique d’un film popularisé par Tom Jones, “What’s New Pussycat?”. Dans le sillage du Troubadour Gallois, aux côtés de Chuck Berry ou de Noël Deschamps, les tournées s’enchaînent bientôt sans relâche, révélant au fil des prestations le tempérament de la jeune chanteuse, s’accompagnant d’un tambourin, qui dispense avec énergie un répertoire imprégné de rhythm ‘n’ blues. Sous la houlette du talentueux Gérard Hugé (ex-batteur des Pingouins) l’incursion discographique de...
On September 11th, 1983, in Nashville, Tennessee, Thai Minh Ngo was born to Nga Huynh. Thai is the middle of three brothers. Raised by his mother most of his life after his father left the family. Three years passed, Thai and his family moved to San Jose, California where his mother found a job at a restaurant. He lived an innocent childhood while his parents struggled to put food on the table and care for him and his brothers. At the age of seven, he was left with memories that emotionally scarred him. His father kissed him and said goodbye...
Crazy Dolls is an alternative, synthpop and pop rock duo from Rīga, Latvia formed as electronic and punk rock trio around 1995 and during time have changed their musical flow. They have released two full length albums till split up in 2000. Latest of them LP Sveiciens published on Mapls in 2001 includes song Milžu cīņa of legendary Latvian band Dzeltenie Pastnieki. Some previous tracks are also included in local independent compilations. In January 2010 they announced their reunite. Current lineup : Mārtiņš Poļakovskis - keyboards, vocals; Aldis Zaļūksnis - programming, electronics, guitar. Former members : Aigars Cunskis - vocals....
There are more than one artists named Pussycat. 1. Pussycat was a Dutch soft pop/country group featuring the three Kowalczyk sisters: Tonny, Betty and Marianne. They scored a string of Dutch hits in the 1970s. In 1976 they scored their biggist hit with the song Mississippi, which climbed to number one in the UK Singles Chart. It was later followed by "Smile" in 1976, and "Hey Joe" in 1978. 2. Also Dutch, a mysterious trio from the world's biggest seaport: Rotterdam. Rude ghetto funk / electro / house on The Hague's Creme Organization records. 3. Melodic hard-rock band from Belgrade,...
找到了 4 歌曲, 持续时间: 23:19
Dont Cha (Thái Hoàng Remix )
Don't Cha (Thái Hoàng Remix)
Don't Cha (Thái Hoàng Remix )