C.J. Ramone | zh

乐队/艺人: the Ramones 查看该乐队全部信息 给乐队打分 风格: American Punk(美国朋克) College Rock(学院摇滚) New York Punk(纽约朋克) Punk(朋克) 纵使美国纽约市传奇性PUNK-ROCK乐队RAMONES的乐队生涯,亦随着其告别巡回演出之完满结束而在96年划上句号,但在这年间,我们却感觉到乐队的音乐精神仿佛仍没有离开过.闻说歌手JOEY RAMONE正在灌录他的首张个人大碟;鼓手MARKY RAMONE及其乐队THE INTRUDERS刚在早前发表了他们的THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEMS专辑.更重要的是,随着一套RAMONES的ANTHOLOGY式双CD专辑HEY HO LET'S GO!之面世,一方面是对这对乐队崩乐先驱做出崇高的致敬意义,同时也好比悄悄地燃起一次RAMONES热似的.   从74年组成到96年解散,经历了二十二年的长路远征,毋庸置疑的RAMONES事实上最历史悠久,最长寿的PUNK ROCK乐队,但不要忘记,RAMONES也是最早出现在乐坛上的PUNK ROCK队伍,在这个双重意义下,才是他们最难能可贵之处.   姑且无论早年曾有过THE STOOGES或THEWHO这些获誉为PROTO PUNK的乐队存在,但RAMONES才是摇滚式上第一队开宗明义的PUNK ROCK乐队;三个CHORD的简约摇滚曲式,短小精悍的平均不超过两分钟的歌曲长度,急激快板的节奏,嘈噪的吉他声,口号似的歌唱,YOBBISH的态度,简单的黑白唱片封套设计,只花雕了六千二百美元的唱片制作成本,在他们与76年发表的首张同名专辑里已标志着这种PUNK ROCK之蓝本. 而他们永远是皮褛加窄身牛仔裤加冬菇式长发的打扮,亦俨如成为乐队别树一帜的标记.   RAMONES的出现促使了纽约市的PUNK SCENE的形成,被公认为纽约崩坛头号乐队的他们,那仿佛是继THE VELVET UNDERGROUD后埋藏在地下音乐圈的另一颗炸弹.早年发迹且活跃于纽约市曼克顿区BOWERY STREET之表演场地CBGB的RAMONES (他们曾是CBGB的驻场乐队),便在当年联同TELEVISION,PATTI SMITH GROUP,BLONDIE,THE DEAD BOYS,TALKING HEADS等队缔造了这块传奇性纽约崩乐胜地.甚至笔者所收集到的一套摄制与78年的CBGB纪录片,便更实行以RAMONES的成名作 BLITZKRIEG BOP为标题,可见他们之代表性.然而RAMONES之影响力不独在于美国本土上,他们的启蒙性甚至被视为英国PUNK MOVEMENT之源头----乐队在76年7月首次登陆英伦,于伦敦ROUNDHOUSE之演出,正式触发起英伦PUNK MOVEMENT衍生的历史性时刻,随即冒起的SEX PISTOLS,THE CLASH,BUZZCOCKS等乐队身 上都不难找到源自 RAMONES的熏陶.在近期于UNCUT杂志的访问中,JOEY RAMONE便不讳言的说:"RAMONES触发了PUNK的开始,当我出道时我想我们是世上最积极的乐队,是PUNK MOVEMENT的蓝本,是MALCOLM MCLAREN取材的源头,我犹记得我听闻达一个说法是SEX POSTOLE表示过:'我们希望做出犹如RAMONES的声音.'即使JOE STRUMMER也说过THE CLASH是听着RAMONESDE唱片下学习弹奏音乐的".RAMONES影响着英国PUNK SCENE的爆发,然后英国则令PUNK变成一股一发不可收拾的音乐文化革命.   PUNK ROCK的出现是因为一种年轻乐队认为那些是七十年代的恐龙级/大使级摇滚乐太高不可攀,从而锐意重拾回ROCK 'N' ROLL最原始基本的音乐精神,RAMONES亦是如此.本身热衷于六十年代摇滚乐的他们,RAMONES的音乐风格其实是改良自早在六十年代初期的 ROCK 'N' ROLL根源曲式,只是他们透过粗犷,吵杂,急激而不修饰的手法演奏出来.同时亦带出了犹如60'S-POP于SURF-POP般的快板节奏,JOEY的主唱曲调往往是以调子流畅押韵见称,加上他们在歌词见透过虚无主义的笔触下所流露出的黑色幽默题材,RAMONES的音乐所予人是绝对愉快的聆听经验,亦开启了所谓PUNK-POP的门户.乐队在76年至78年间所发表的四张专辑:RAMONES,LEAVES HOME,ROCKET TO RUSSIA和ROAD TO RUIN,都是他们最典范的作品,像BLITZKRIEG BOP,JUDY IS A PUNK,PINHEAD,SHEENA IS A PUNK RICKER,ROCKAWAY BEACH,I WANNA BE SEDATED,SUZY IS A HEADBANGER等RAMONES的"国歌",便是这个时期的作品,到了九十年代,像GREEN DAY,RANCID,THE OFFAPRING等西岸PUNK POP巨星,便显然是承袭了与仿效着RAMONES的乐风而来.此外,在日本大阪市,有"女版REAMONES"之称的SHONEN KNIFE;在北京,也有大唱<<你是我的雷蒙斯>>的新裤子.   来自纽约市皇后区的RAMONES, 也由歌手RAMONE(原名JEFFEY HYMAN),吉他手JONNY RAMONE(原名JOHN RCUMMINGS)和鼓手TOMMY ROMONE,低音吉他手DEE DEE RAMONE(原名DOUGLAS COLVIN)作构成的阵容最为原装.其实原先他们是一队只有JOEY,JOHHY和DEE...
The Ramonetures, created by Mel Bergman of the Phantom Surfers and featuring fuzz guitar legend Davie Allan, is a Ramones cover band with a twist. Their debut album covers 16 Ramones classics in the style of classic instrumental surf band, The Ventures. Their second album, "Johny Walk Don't Run Paulene" welcomes members of the classic punk rock band, X to the lineup and they do covers of, well, X songs. Even if it's a bit counter-intuitive, they keep the name, Ramonetures, presumably because the Xtures didn't sound quite as good. .
C.J. Ramone (born Christopher Joseph Ward on October 8, 1965) is an American punk and rock n roll musician best known for being the bassist for the punk rock band Ramones from 1989 to 1996. He also served as a songwriter for the group and helped keep it going before its demise. Since then, he's had a solo career in the same style while also working with multiple other punk artists and helping to archive as well as promote the Ramones' band history. His hometown is Queens, New York. Ward replaced original band-member Dee Dee Ramone, though Dee Dee continued...
Marc Bell (better known as Marky Ramone, born July 15 1956, in Brooklyn, New York) is an American drummer. He is perhaps best known for being the drummer for the highly influential punk rock group Ramones. Marc Bell started playing drums when he was 16, with his band Dust. He recorded two albums with the band." From a Dry Camel" one of the songs off their first album. Was listed in the top ten metal songs of all time. In the first edition of the Heavy Metal Almanac.The two albums made the charts in America. Before getting into the punk...
C.J.ROGERS is a solo musician from Luxemburg. In the early ’90s, he had the idea to produce music, in which the most part is based of computer created electronic sounds! All his instruments are based on stand-alone and vst software synths, this allows him to create new and authentic, as well as digital and analog sounds! End of the ’90s he was ready for his first album and started with his new project. His music is all produced, composed, played, arranged and mixed up to final-mastering by himself! The productions are various styles of electronic music as lounge, chillout, dance,...
找到了 45 歌曲, 持续时间: 02:03:15
7. Do It To Me
Low On Ammo
Ain't No Criminal
Reconquista (Unreleased Track) (2013)
My Back Pages
Love Sucks (Feat. C. J. Ramone) (1995)
Good Enough For Me
Shoot 'Em Up (Unreleased Track) (2013)
10. You Own Me
King Cobra [2012]
All The Pretty Girls
Punishment Fits The Crime (2005)
Cretin Hop
Walking Dead (Unreleased Track) (2013)
Punishment Fits The Crime
Ghost Ring (2012)
Three Angels (2012)
You Own Me
Goin' Home (2012)
Swallow My Pride
Blitzkrieg Bop
Ain't No Criminal (2008)
09. Grunt
Come On Now (2008)
Aloha Oe (2012)
Nobody's Sweetheart (2012)
All The Pretty Girls (2008)
Three Angels (2012)
Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
01. Understand Me?
Real Bad Time (2008)
Good Enough For Me