Normie Rowe | zh

1984年,Robinson兄弟组成了Mr. Growe's Garden乐队,队名据说来源于某部童话。随后就开始在各个俱乐部演出,这个名字没持续多久,当年底Chris Robinson从大学退学之后,就改成了The Black Crowes,有人认为这个名字来源于爱伦·坡,但是从乐队自己的定位来看,似乎还是来源于一个美国南部的童话。不过,在短暂的Mr. Growe's Garden时期,他们的成名作《Shake Your Money Maker》已经写成,这之后的6年之中,乐队始终不稳定,人员进进出出,Chris Robinson结了婚。而Rich Robinson则每天忙于练琴,这种经历看做是厚积薄发也可以,不过这样的经历使他们避免了和当时大多数硬摇滚乐队一样追随Guns N' Roses乐队的发展。南部的拗劲和深深的自尊使得他们对Guns N' Roses嗤之以鼻,他们始终在尝试在硬摇滚之中加入更多性感活泼的南部风味,没想到的是,这种想法使得他们成了美国南部摇滚的先锋。 1990年,The Black Crowes形成了固定阵容,除了Robinson兄弟和他们的死党鼓手Steve Gorman之外,还有贝司手Johnny Colt,吉他手Jeff Cease。这一年,The Black Crowes推出了他们第一张专辑《Shake Your Money Maker》。这张专辑推出后获得了巨大的成功,光在美国就售出了超过三百万张,并在Billboard专辑榜前十名中停留了18个星期。单曲She Talks to Angles和翻唱Otis Reading的单曲Hard to Handle也在排行榜中取得了骄人的成绩。一夜之间,他们几近成名,他们那时髦的金属党装扮却又酷似Rolling Stones和Lynryd Skynyrd的苍白脸庞再嫁接上南方热情奔放又不失美国风味的布鲁斯音乐当然还有Chris Robinson慵懒的70年代打扮和罗圈腿,这样一个折中的产物马上被乐迷所接受被当年的《滚石》杂志评为“年度最佳新人乐队”,这个名称在日后被英国著名的音乐杂志《Melody Maker》所发扬光大,该杂志称他们为“世界上最摇滚的摇滚乐队”,这样的称号虽然过誉,但是也说明了一点事情。 1992年,他们的专辑《The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion》出版并迅速达到排行榜第一。这张专辑中有两首流行单曲Remedy和Thorn in My Pride。这时,吉他手Jeff Cease离开了乐队,替代他的是原Ex-Burning Tree乐队的吉他手Marc Ford和来自加拿大的键盘手Eddie Harsch。双吉他这个标志性的东西算是保住了。 而两年后的1994年,Chris Robinson的一个想法又给乐队带来了麻烦,当出版新专辑《Amorica》的时候,Chris Robinson建议把封面做成一个穿比基尼露着阴毛的模特形象,这种想法遭到了保守的南方教会的攻击,Chris Robinson乾脆加上了一笔,用美国国旗做成了模特身上的遮羞布,这种恶作剧遭到了很多人的反对,Chris Robinson感到很委屈,他说“我想这是我们愿意生活的地方,我们热爱美国,这就是我们专辑的灵感来源,但是,你知道,这是南方……”好在之后美国高等法院废除了国旗法,不然乐队还真有可能遭到牢狱之灾,不过,即使如此,他们还是受到了南方教会高规格的待遇,他们的专辑和许多著名乐队的专辑一样被当众焚毁,不知道是不是一种荣幸呢? 但是这一切已经挡不住乐队前进的步伐了,1996年夏天,乐队发行第四张专辑《Three Snakes and One Charm》,名列排行榜十五位。1997年8月,Marc Ford在担任了五年的主音吉他手之后被乐队解雇。1998年,乐队改与Columbia唱片公司签约,秋天,他们开始为期六周称为“Sho' Nuff ”的巡回演出,并发行了有5张CD的同名套装专辑,包括经数字化处理的前四张专辑和一张附加的EP。并在1999年推出他们第五张专辑《By Your Side》。 .
Normie Rowe AM (born Norman John Rowe on 1 February 1947) was the preeminent male solo star of Australian pop music in the 1960s. Known for his bright, edgy tenor voice and dynamic stage presence, many of Rowe's most successful recordings were produced by Pat Aulton, house producer for the Sunshine Records, Spin Records and Festival Records labels. Backed by his band The Playboys, Rowe released a string of Australian pop hits on the Sunshine Records label that kept him at the top of Australian charts and made him the most popular solo performer of the mid-1960s. Rowe's double-sided hit...
Beangrowers are a three-member indie rock band from Malta. All three were born in 1977 in St. Julian's, Malta. Notably, all members of the Beangrowers are also songwriters, so their albums reflect diverse influences from the entire band. These influences include other indie rock, punk, and goth groups. .
Hahn Rowe is an internationally renowned violinist, guitarist, pianist, and composer, and engineer/producer involved in a wide-range of projects. Originally a violinist and guitarist with New York City dream-poppers Hugo Largo, Rowe became a session player in the New York scene. As a musician, he has worked with Glenn Branca, Foetus, Swans, Ikue Mori, R.E.M., David Byrne, and Moby. Behind the boards, he has engineered and produced recordings for Bill Laswell, Roy Ayers, Antony and the Johnsons, and Yoko Ono, among many others. .
找到了 136 歌曲, 持续时间: 06:43:33
A1 - Shakin' All Over
Hard to Say I'm Sorry
Swan Lake
Don't Mean Nothing (feat. Normie Rowe)
Sometimes When We Touch
Your Song
I Confess
Piano Man
Poor Fool
I Keep Forgetting
It’s Not Easy
So Much Love
Town Without Pity
He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother
If You Need Me
Nursery Rhymes
Going Home
Unchain My Heart
It's Not Easy
Call on Me
Stormy Weather
Sad (The Playboys)
Going Home
I Keep Forgetting
Sometimes When We Touch
No More Lonely Nights
Every Little Bit Hurts
Normie Rowe & The Playboys
Shakin' All Over
Riding the Wind
Shakin' All Over
I Honestly Love You
Shakin' All Over
Rat Race
Shakin' All Over
Sally, Go 'Round the Roses
Ooh La La
Even the Nights Are Better
Even the Nights Are Better
Adventures in Paradise (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
Just the Way You Are
Laughter in the Rain