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Jean-Louis Murat(生于1952年1月28日)是法国歌手兼词曲作者.这位土生土长的法国创作才子,音乐之途一路走来颠簸艰辛. 从小再加上父母离异,协助祖父母经营农场事业,伴随Murat幼年时期的是孤独寂寞,直到7岁开始学音乐,Murat终于在生活中找寻到重心;15岁Murat从他英文老师的鼓励下,启发对爵士及节奏蓝调的兴趣,在他17岁未成年的年纪,却先选择婚姻并不小心当了小爸爸。 1977年他加入Clara乐团担任萨克斯风与吉他手的职位,也负责填词的部分,发挥他从小阅读并撰写诗文般词藻之功力,同时吸引法国唱将William Sheller注意,邀约Clara担任他幕后伴奏乐团!最为抢眼的Murat也展开录制个人作品,在EMI推出成绩惨淡的专辑、单曲后,跳巢至CBS旗下,成为隐形人般无正式发行任何作品!冷板凳做到快冻僵之际,终获Virgin赏赐,1987年再度出发,《Cheyenne Autumn》突破10万张的销量,终于打破票房毒药之束缚,也为Murat扳回些颜面!1990更获法国导演激赏,开始为电影作嫁其衬乐。 进入90年代,Murat发片量之密集,一年可见两张作品推出,10年发行10张专辑、电影配乐!90年末Murat离开他熟悉的环境,飞到美国录制全新作品,勇于尝试新东西,喜欢跟优秀乐手合作的Murat,每次出辑与巡回演出,都会跟随新面孔出现! .
Jean Ferrat (born Jean Tenenbaum on 26 December 1930 in Vaucresson, Hauts-de-Seine, and died on 13 March 2010) was a French author, poet and singer. In the early 1950s he started in Parisian cabaret, and since then has not attempted to adhere to any particular musical style but remain faithful to himself, his friends and public. Sometimes referred to as the "romantique rebelle de la chanson française". In 1961 he married Christine Sèvres. During his carrer, Ferrat has had some difficulty with the authorities owing to his humanist perpective and links with communism. His most famous songs are: Que serais-je...
1) Indie pop institution Jigsaw Records' new signing Blue Jeans release their debut album "Songs are Easy" on May 13th. Is this something you should care about? Here are the facts to help you decide: Blue Jeans used to be Santa Monica Swim and Dive Club. Under that name they released an EP called Mild Honey on Little Pocket Records, a split single on Oddbox, and played to the indie pop faithful at the 2010 NYC Popfest. They got tired of explaining the name, hence the switch. Blue Jeans are Tim Sendra on vocals and guitar, Heather Phares on vocals...
Jean Gabin (17 May 1904 – 15 November 1976) was a French actor and sometime singer. Life and career Gabin was born Jean-Alexis Moncorgé in Paris, the son of Madeleine Petit and Ferdinand Moncorgé, a cafe entertainer whose stage name was Gabin. He grew up in the village of Mériel in the Seine-et-Oise (now Val-d'Oise) département, about 22 mi (35 km) north of Paris. The son of cabaret entertainers, he attended the Lycée Janson de Sailly. Leaving school early, he worked as a laborer until the age of 19 when he entered show business with a bit part in a...
找到了 16 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:02:33
Concerto pour deux voix
Space Jackpot [Backing Vocals Only]
Promo Paradise [Backing Vocals Only]
Frantic Breakbeat [Backing Vocals Only]
Happy Promos [Backing Vocals Only]
Keep it Groovy [Instrumental]
Juillet (feat. Julia Jean Baptiste)
Golden Ticket [Backing Vocals Only]
Break the Beat [Backing Vocals Only]
Tango nuevo [Backing Vocals Only]
Spaceship (feat. Kelis,,Jean-Baptiste)