Tiffany Alvord | zh

这位美国的幼齿型创作歌手Tiffany Giardina(蒂凡妮 贾尔迪纳),年仅16岁,其先行单曲曾一路领跑iTunes得音乐排行榜,专辑中收录得两首单曲“Hurry Up and Save Me”以及“No Average Angel”也是电影<灰姑娘之舞动奇迹>的原声音乐,著名导演Andrew Bennett也为其拍摄了两支新歌MV。长的蛮气质的Tiffany Giardina,嗓音却很powerful,不过除了年龄,这张专辑的亮点并不多,毕竟对于一个16岁的小女孩来说,要走的路还很长。 来自于曼哈顿的年轻歌手蒂凡妮,在音乐上坚持绝对自我的16岁小女生,怀有对歌唱事业的灵感与热情。会创作歌曲,演唱,表演等。蒂凡妮从9岁起就走上了自己的音乐之路,不久,她赢得了在Paper Mill Theater的《音乐之声》(歌剧)里的一个叫Marta的角色。在这出戏里,由于对音乐的共鸣,她还与Jonas Brothers里的Nick Jonas成为了好朋友。在非百老汇戏剧界,蒂凡妮参演的角色有《安妮》(音乐剧)中的Molly,在这部剧里,她表现得同《彼得 潘》和《音乐之声》一样出色。她还在国家性的商业演出中在Sherwin-Williams Paint, Major League Baseball, 和 Cheerios等喜剧中饰演角色,在“周六夜现场” 和“大卫·莱特曼晚间秀”中有精彩表现。   蒂凡妮喜爱电子摇滚,像Avril Lavigne,Pat Benatar,Pink, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift和Madonna这类歌手成为她音乐道路上很大的鼓舞力量。这个外形优雅甜美而积极上进的女孩每一天都在享受着自己的音乐,同乐队和歌迷一起不断学习与成长,脚踏实地地迈出每一步。   蒂凡妮于1993年11月4日出生在一个幸福的家庭里,她是最大的女儿,还有两个妹妹,她拥有一只叫Spencer的宠物狗和一副挚爱的占卜牌。蒂凡妮称呼自己的歌迷为朋友,fans们在她的心中占有很重要的位置,她希望与歌迷一起分享生活中的点点滴滴。 2008年,蒂凡妮参与了许多意义特殊的大事件。如斯坦福举行的感恩节游行及在纽约市的几次演出。Bloomingdales还在假期间邀请她在纽约市区的White Plains会面:蒂凡妮在时代广场也曾为Planet Hollywood演出:她的个人乐队于同年11月组成。近期蒂凡妮风靡于迪斯尼电台,并在佛罗里达州的坦帕举行的Super Bowl tailgate party上为前来观看演出的青少年们唱歌。在一些著名的时尚杂志如Seventeen, Popstar!, J-14, M , Astro Girl , Quiz Fest和Twist中,蒂凡妮也拥有较高的人气。   这个心地善良的女孩还曾在“麦当劳叔叔屋”“ 库利贫血基金会”“对抗ASL”“ 盖布丽埃尔天使基金会”等许许多多的慈善机构工作,她愿意尽自己所能来帮助那些困境里的人们。   蒂凡妮的fun facts   座右铭:“Surround yourself with good people and watch your life prosper with love and charity.”   (让善良的人们围在你身边,看看你的生活有多美好) 星座:天蝎座   最喜欢的颜色:宝石蓝(最近爱上了紫色)   最喜欢的电视节目:《绯闻女孩》《全美超模大赛》   他人眼里的“我”相似于:   艾米 罗森,维多利亚 嘉丝蒂,谢尔,奥黛丽 赫本,帕特 贝纳塔,Lights   喜欢的男生类型:有礼貌,有男孩气质的魅力,笑容可爱,风趣 .
Tiffany Villarreal is a Hispanic diva in the United States. She has taken part in Baby Bash's "Shorty Doo Wop" and "The Hood" by Raekwon. In 2004, she released her debut album, "Tiffany Villarreal", in Japan. .
Tiffany Apan is an award winning singer/songwriter from Pennsylvania in the United States. Tiffany had been exposed to music since she was a child learning from her musician grandparents the guitar, violin, and accordian. She would take up classical piano at age 9. She began formal classical vocal training at age 12 and appeared in numerous musical theatre and operatic productions throughout the years. Her real turning point as a vocalist, however, was having the opportunity of portraying the role of a Free Style Jazz Singer in the world premiere of Marta Effinger’s “Whispers Want to Holler” where she was...
Most people, when attending a concert by one of their favorite artists, experience feelings of happiness. When Tiffany Dunn attended a concert by one of her favorite artists, Justin Timberlake, she experienced feelings of frustration. “My friends were dancing around and having a great time, but I was sitting there really upset because I was thinking, ‘Why am I not up there doing that with him?’” Dunn recalls of the concert she attended in her hometown of Phoenix, Ariz. “I watched and analyzed his every move, I was just in awe. The way he could go to the piano and...
她是卓越的音乐家,声名显赫的超模,独树一帜的DJ,演技精湛的演员,倍受无数艺术家推崇的缪斯女神。对于Tying Tiffany,这位意大利超级偶像,永远都没有最终的定位。不管是在Diesel亦或同类设计师令人兴奋的时装秀表演中,或是在其不受拘束的现场表演中,还是在无数风尚杂志封面的见证下,这位一流的艺术家都创造了一个只属于她的独特的令人炫目的世界。 .
找到了 129 歌曲, 持续时间: 07:37:13
Call me maybe
Say Something
The Breakdown
E.T (cover by Tiffany Alvord)
I'm glad you came
Tonight Tonight
Без названия
Stil into you
Без названия
Style (Taylor Swift Cover)
E.T(Perry cover)
My Notebook
Born this way
I love you like a love song (cover ver.)
My Notebook
Tiffany Alvord Cover
I just Wanna run (Cover)
My Sunshine Tiffany Alvord Mp3 Download
Crazy Good
Crazy Good Tiffany Alvord Mp3 Download
The Reason Is You (Original Song)
This is just the start
I'll Never Be Your Girlfriend
Perfect Chemistry (Tiffany Alvord cover)
Secrets (Cover на OneRepublic)
The One that I Adore
Secrets - OneRepublic
Rude (Cover)