gary mcfarland sextet | zh

保罗弗朗西斯加德 生于1944年5月8日,是一个华丽摇滚歌手和作曲家。突出的华丽摇滚时代的20世纪70年代初。他有一个最长的图表运行任何单独的歌手在英国在20世纪70年代,包括“我爱你爱我爱” , “我的的黑帮头目(我) “和”您好,您好,我回来了“ 。他的成功作为一个生活持续表现远远超出了10年。他继续在80年代和90年代,他1984年的歌曲“另一位摇滚圣诞”之一。 在1972 -1975年间,许多想跟着搭上热潮的歌手也重新改装自己来迎合唱片市场的需要,像是原叫Paul Gadd的流行歌手乾脆改名成Gary Glitter,他完全仿照Bolan及Bowie的化妆模式:涂抹很浓厚的妆底、全身银光闪闪的装备及高统靴子等,一看就是三流拙劣的流行歌手,更不用说他做出来的泡沫音乐会是怎样的令人抱歉,但是因为当时的Bowie实在是气势锐不可当,连带之处也都间接受到庇荫,他在Glam Rock的全胜期也卖出了不少畅销单曲。不过令人意料之外的是,到了后来的八十年代初期,Gary Glitter较为活泼笨拙的原型却影响了初期的英国新浪潮装扮,这其中包括了大家熟知的The Human League、Generation X等团体。 .
Gary Moore (born April 4, 1952 as Robert William Gary Moore in Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom; died February 6, 2011 in Malaga, Spain) is acknowledged as one of the finest guitarists to have originated in Ireland. He was a virtuoso guitarist and is considered by his fans to be one of the best guitar players ever. In a career dating back to the 1960s he has played with bands including Thin Lizzy, Colosseum II, Greg Lake and Skid Row as well as having a successful solo career. Moore started performing from a young age and got his first good...
In 1987, Gary Clail emerged as a solo artist from the incredibly incestuous underground British funk/rap/reggae scene that also spawned Tackhead, Mark Stewart, Keith LeBlanc, Strange Parcels, and at least half of the On-U Sound artist stable. Not really a singer and not really a rapper, Clail got his start working the mixing board at Tackhead shows, during which he would chime in with weird political pronouncements from time to time. His solo work gives a fair idea of what that must have sounded like. Over instrumental backdrops that alternate between reggae (courtesy of Dub Syndicate) and funk (courtesy of...
Gary B “Step into the Sunshine” Buy the album on iTunes New album "Live It Now" 2013 available on iTunes link For more info Join Gary B on facebook Gary b Website Gary B youtube channel 2009 Recently number one in iTunes electronic chart Spain and top 20 UK chart. For free tracks go to February 14 is the launch date of the debut album by Gary B – Step into the Sunshine. Released by the Café del Mar label, famous for their chillout compilations, Gary B is one of the few solo artists...
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