Mocca | zh

mocca是印尼独立流行乐团的翘楚,乐队已经成立7年,一共出版了3张唱片。除了Frends和Untuk Rena两张以外,还有一张极为著名的My diary。   mocca有四位团员,分别是主唱arina, 吉他riko,贝斯toma以及鼓手indra。arina和riko毕业于同一所大学,他们在学校的时候就组了一支乐队,以唱口水歌为主进行表演。没多久arina和riko就厌倦了这种鹦鹉学舌的表演方式,他们开始自己创作。他们的音乐大都是轻快的,充盈着各种快乐的元素,比如bossa bova,disco以及华尔兹等等。这与海岛驻民天生的乐天和单纯不无关系。如果音乐是有颜色的,那么mocca的就是蓝、白、橙,蓝色的天空,白色的云朵和沙滩,以及橙色的太阳。   mocca的音乐表现了一种简单的执著,和untuk rena里面的那个一心要看花儿是怎么样开放的小女孩一样,他们在用最原始的童真追逐快乐。mocca的四个成员个性迥然,他们有的张扬,有的内敛,有的狂傲,有的谦恭,对音乐的执著让他们走到一起。主唱arina是个很酷的女孩,她曾经说过她的音乐不是唱给观众听的,而是唱给自己的心,有句话说得好,想感动别人首先要感动自己,从这一点看,arina可是比现如今好些歌手们高明多了。相对来说,三位男团员则显得内敛的多,他们是技术主义的簇拥者,为了精湛的技艺不惜付出一切,而生活却简单到仅仅剩下音乐而已。   mocca的音乐是非男性化的,我个人怀疑可能是因为arina比较强悍的缘故,现在看来这是件好事,mocca的音乐因此总是柔软而细腻,就像南洋人爱喝的白咖啡一样温润爽滑。mocca的首张唱片my diary,灵感来自于一个女孩的日记,通过这个女孩子记录在日记本的点点滴滴mocca为我们复原了这个爱情故事。从最初的毫不相干,到偶遇,到情愫暗生,而后矛盾挣扎,好不容易决定勇敢接受,却遭遇破碎的结局。女孩终于明白,雨总会下的,太阳总会出来的,生活不可能一马平川。 .
From: TN, United States Genre: Country, Rockabilly, Alternative Hip Hop The homegrown sound of Moccasin Creek is the most progressive and raw voice to hit the music scene since Hank Williams Jr and Jamey Johnson. No softly crooning southern gentlemen here, just good ole boys from the scrubs of Palatka, Florida and Nashville, Tennessee. This is the real south and it isn’t pretty. Dismantling the current crop of gentlemen and sweethearts, they feed the intense craving for hard-lined lyrics depicting hard-lived lives. When you hear fist-punch poetry blended with knuckle-grinding guitar, you know you’re staring down the barrel of Moccasin...
Denver's Moccasin (formerly known as Nightingale) have created their own natural sound entangling thick swells of guitar with dreamy vocal melodies, rooted by a deep and heavy rhythm section. They have erected a sonic giant; wielding fuzz pedals, reverb tanks, and tape echoes as a means to forge immense walls of analog sound. Comparisons have been made to the Verve, Black Sabbath, Hawkwind, Ride, Sonic Youth and Spacemen 3. Moccasin self-released their six-song "Last Leaf" EP and have successfully toured the west and east coasts. .
Pop music from Houston, Texas. TO CONTACT THE BAND or FOR BOOKING: [email protected] Cody Swann: vocals, guitar Zahira Gutierrez: vocals, keys Nicholas Cody: bass Andrew Lee: guitar John Baldwin: drums .
Their EP available for free download via their Bandcamp site: .
找到了 191 歌曲, 持续时间: 17:20:35
Saving Elephants
Simple I Love You
La Mocca
Lucky Me
Friend (Acoustic Version)
Sunday Afternoon (Alternate Version)
Sunday Afternoon
Hanya Satu
Sebelum Kau Tidur
I Would Never
Teman Sejati
Aku Dan Kamu
Listen To Me
rosengarten - brcic, paul dodo & mocca
Do What You Wanna Do
Me & My Boyfriend (Acoustic Version)
02 - How Wonderful Life Would Be
Butterflies in My Tummy
Aku Dan Kamu
Sky (Original Mix)
mood = mocca + blanco
Baby, You're A Fool
Ethno (Yur Sed Edit)
Sky (Arni Remix)
Mocca Motion
Savage (Arni Remix)
Sunday Afternoon
AD Astra
Pantheon (Mario Mocca Remix)
Di Penghujung Hari Minggu
Halcyon (Mario Mocca Remix)
Perahu Kertas
Bundle Of Joy
Deep Forest (Hobin Rude Remix)
Mocca Latte
Mocca (Groove Mix Part One) 2012
Deep Forest (Eichenbaum Remix)