Air#2 | zh

A five-member Japanese rock band under Sony Music Japan. Official site: Members: - IKE (Vocal) - KENTA (Drum) - MOMIKEN (Bass) - UZ (Guitar/Programming) Former Member: - ENZEL☆(DJ) The band was formed in 2005 and has released several singles but as their debut one is considered the single 'LIAR', released on 11.08.2010. The title song is used as theme song for the TV drama 'HAMMER SESSION!' with director Aso Manabu and the actors Hayami Mokomichi, Shida Mirai and Higa Manami as part of the main cast. .
フェアリーズ (Fairies) is a six-member Japanese female idol/dance and vocal group formed in 2011 under Vision Factory, an Avex record division. Created as a new generation successor to SPEED, a popular dance group from the same agency, they have had intense training in vocal and dance lessons. Their first single, "More Kiss/Song For You" was released on September 21, 2011. They initially had seven members until Kiyomura Kawane graduated in January 2013. Miki, Miria and Mahiro are also members of the Fairies subgroup M Three (Mスリー). Current members: Inoue Rikako (井上理香子) Nomoto Sora (野元空) Ito Momoka (伊藤萌々香) Shimomura Miki (下村実生)...
There is more than one group with this name: 1) Love Affair was a London, England based band co-mingling pop, rnb, and soul that formed in 1966. They had several U.K. Singles Chart top 10 hits, including the number one single "Everlasting Love", and seemed poised to become the next big thing in the pop world but sadly folded after not too long. 2) Love Affair were a Cleveland, Ohio based rock act who released their debut album in 1980. The self-titled album featured the regional hit single "Mama Sez." .
Air Supply 空中补给 空气供应者乐队1976 年成立于澳洲,1980年进军美国乐坛,当年即取得惊人成绩,首张专辑《迷失爱中》(Lost in love)先后有九首歌曲打入当年流行音乐排行榜前10 名。从而走向了其超级乐队的地位。乐队由主要从事创作的汉姆·卢瑟(Gr-aham Russell)和主唱歌手卢瑟·海希库克(Russell·Hitchcook)组成。 空气供应者乐队擅长演唱抒情歌曲,他们演绎的歌曲无论是曲调还是歌词,都很优美,而且配器精巧,大量采用钢琴、吉它、 弦乐等音色优美的传统乐器,因此音乐效果浪漫、抒情,非常迷人。 Genres:Rock Intro:The earnestness of the music and lyrics have made Air Supply an object of parody long after their success on the pop charts. Air Supply is made reference to in Fox's animated series Family Guy in the episode "Emission Impossible", when Stewie Griffin makes inquiries to his onboard computer regarding the status of his shrinking vessel. In The Simpsons, the music is referred to as "wuss rock" by Homer Simpson. The duo was also parodied in an episode of Saturday Night Live, where they are portrayed as homosexual...
Jefferson Airplane是旧金山最早为全美国熟知的迷幻摇滚乐队,他们代表了一个时代。 乐队由创作歌手Marty Balin成立于1965年夏,共6人。起先他们在俱乐部演奏一些民谣摇滚和披头士的歌曲,后来与RCA唱片公司签约·1966年乐队在RCA旗下发行《Takes Off》,在商业上小有收获。1967年2月,乐队参加了金门公园的海特阿伯莱音乐会,引起轰动,被传媒当成一个神圣文化潮流的领袖 风 格 Album Rock(专辑摇滚)Folk-Rock(民谣摇滚)Hard Rock(硬摇滚)Psychedelic(迷幻音乐) 介 绍 乐队得到了唱片公司的重视,得以录制下一张专辑《Surrealistic Pillow》。这时的乐队阵容是:歌手Marty Balin、吉他手/歌手Paul Kantner、吉他手/歌手Jorma Kaukonen、鼓手Spencer Dryden、贝司手Jack Casady、女歌手Grace Slick。《Surrealistic Pillow》是乐队推出的最重要的一张唱片,它为 旧金山乐派开辟了第一片天空,“旧金山迷幻摇滚出师表”之称毫不过份。它充分开发了乐器演奏的无限可能性,并以此激发了超出日常经验的想象力。金唱片销量和长久传唱的名曲“Somebody to Love”、“White Rabbit”只是这张唱片表面上的成功,实际上在此之下是1967年“爱的夏天”、为迷幻摇滚疯狂的美国、迅速蔓延的嬉皮生活方式、数目猛涨的瘾君子。 1967年的《After Bathing at Baxter》同样是一张优秀的唱片,虽然商业成绩稍差但更具实验性和艺术感。之后乐队高歌猛进,1968年的《Crown of Creation》是乐队的另一张金唱片,它代表了乐队最优美和谐的一面。1969年的金唱片《Volunteers》则是乐队摇滚风格的集中体现,并在当时被许多政治理想的破灭者引用。 此时Dryden因与Balin发生争执而离开乐队,小提琴手Papa John Creach1970年秋加入,而Balin在1971初又离开了乐队,乐队走向分裂。 在其后的时间中,乐队经历了极为频繁的人员变动,只有Kantner一人始终留在乐队中。乐队在七十年代末开始向硬摇滚方向演化,并更名为Jefferson Starship,最后称为Starship。1989年,原Jefferson Airplane成员Balin、Kantner、Kaukonen、Casady和Slick重组,并录制了《Jefferson Airplane》,虽然专辑已失去往日吸引力,但巡演却比较成功。1995年,Kantner、Balin、Casady组成了新的Jefferson Starship,并发行了《Deep Space/Virgin Sky》。 组建时间 1965年 解散时间 1973年 国 籍 美国 专 辑 1966 Jefferson Airplane Takes Off 1967 Surrealistic Pillow After Bathing at Baxter's 1968 Crown of Creation 1969 Volunteers 1971 Bark 1972 Long John Silver 1989 Jefferson Airplane .
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